la nuit de cyprès (2022) Painting by Sven W. Dahlke

Seller Sven W. Dahlke

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Schon in der Bibel wird sie beschrieben, die immergrüne Zypresse. Das harte widerstandsfähige Holz fand Anwendung für den Bau des Tempels und des Palastes von Salomon. Bodenbeläge und Türflügel. (1. Könige 5:22-24;9:11; 1.Könige 6:15, 6:34). Den aus dem ägyptischen Exil kommenden Israeliten verspricht der Prophet Jesaja (Jes 55:13), dass an ihrem[...]
Schon in der Bibel wird sie beschrieben, die immergrüne Zypresse. Das harte widerstandsfähige Holz fand Anwendung für den Bau des Tempels und des Palastes von Salomon.
Bodenbeläge und Türflügel. (1. Könige 5:22-24;9:11; 1.Könige 6:15, 6:34). Den aus dem ägyptischen Exil kommenden Israeliten verspricht der Prophet Jesaja (Jes 55:13), dass an ihrem Weg Zypressen statt Dornen wachsen werden.
Hier stehen sie im Zusammenhang mit Gottes Segen als sichtbares Zeichen für sein befreiendes Handeln. Für mich sind sie aber auch stehter Bezug zum meditiranen Klima im Süden Frankreichs. Ein Baum der eine besondere Figur zeigt ähnlich einer jugendlichen Schönheit.
Automatically translated
1956  Residence in Munich Certified freelance artist, poet, author, pastor since 2023. For me, painting and experimenting with colors and materials means true freedom within the scope of personal[...]


Residence in Munich

Certified freelance artist, poet, author, pastor since 2023.

For me, painting and experimenting with colors and materials means true freedom within the scope of personal possibilities, inspired by the thought of the moment, the spirit of creativity. It is not always possible to capture what is released in a moment. A lot is lost, some remains and grows. It only changes during the creation process to what it ultimately becomes and is final.

I love living the moments in the clarity of the image, the expression and the spoken word.

My first artistic attempts began in the late 1990s, autodidactically using different techniques and various materials such as tempera, chalk, pastel, pencil, oil, etc., and later also digitally.

During creative phases, various works were created 

In 2020/21 I created countless previously unpublished works using a technique I developed myself.

2022 Membership in the Munich Art Association.

Participation in various art competitions at home and abroad. 

Actually retired since 2022, I am finally finding more time to reorient my life through painting and poetry. A journey with new objectives, values ​​and the freedom to enter new territory.

I always find motivation and great support in my wife Grace and my sister Silke.

My special thanks go to them for this.

Thanks also to all those who support and will support me and my work.

2023 Participation in art competitions at home and abroad

Joining the Lyrik lebt association.

Various poetry and short story competitions

2023 Authors' competition

First publication in an anthology

2024 Participation in various author prizes at home and abroad

2024 Admission to the Association of German Authors

Age is no reason to say goodbye to society or to be sidelined. Age is a social asset that should be honored and respected.

Age is not a reason to say goodbye, but rather to reorient and redefine.

My siding remains empty.

Role models for my work include Vincent van Gogh, Turner, Monet, Salvatore Dali and also Job from the Old Testament.

See more from Sven W. Dahlke

View all artworks
Pastel on Paper | 11.6x15.8 in
Watercolor on Paper | 11.6x15.8 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 19.7x15.8 in
Acrylic on Paper | 8.3x11 in


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