Venetian Woman (2021) Pittura da Stuart Dalby


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Venditore Stuart Dalby

Carta per belle arti, 8x10 in

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32,63 USD
Usage: Licenza internet
Utilizzazione dell'immagine su un sito web o su internet.
  1204 px  

1500 px
Dimensioni del file (px) 1204x1500
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Diritto di rivendita No
Numero massimo di stampe 0 (Zero)
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Banca d'immagine d'arte
A mixed media painting, from my Italian women series. Italian newspaper cuttings were used to build a background. The model is painted with acrylic paint with further drawing and toning carried out with an acrylic pen. All the edges of the stretched canvas are painted. Ready to hang.
A mixed media painting, from my Italian women series.
Italian newspaper cuttings were used to build a background.
The model is painted with acrylic paint with further drawing and toning carried out with an acrylic pen.
All the edges of the stretched canvas are painted.
Ready to hang.

Temi correlati

Woman RecliningFemale RecliningItalyBlack Haired GirlNude

Tradotto automaticamente
I come from a family of practicing artists and designers so it was inevitable, with the smell of oil paint around the house, that I would follow suit. I attended art college after leaving school and went on[...]

I come from a family of practicing artists and designers so it was inevitable, with the smell of oil paint around the house, that I would follow suit. I attended art college after leaving school and went on to earning a living as a two dimensional industrial designer. I also designed exhibitions and for many years I was employed as a museum professional rising to Project Manager for Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. I have always painted and taken photographs. Photography came into my armoury of skills when I was still at art college. To pay for the expensive equipment that photography entails I sold photographs and stories to magazines and newspapers. Many of my paintings are based on my own photographs as well as some in the public domain, providing either a starting point or a complete composition to be re-interpreted into paint. However the practice of simple good drawing I consider essential and I spend a lot of time with a sketch book just pure doodling. For me the joy of painting comes from another human being saying that they like my work so much that they want to hang it on their wall. That to me is the greatest satisfaction that I can have from my paintings. I have exhibited over the years at: The Harris Brush Factory, Bromsgrove, the Birmingham Open and at the Malvern Theatres, Malvern. I fully devote my time now to painting and consider myself blessed that I have this talent to please other people as well as myself. I don’t subscribe to the practice of having just one style and I am constantly trying to change my methods of working to reflect that. 

I am always open to commission suggestions

Vedere più a proposito di Stuart Dalby

Visualizzare tutte le opere
Acrilico su Tela | 23,6x35,4 in
2.020,99 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 24,2x30,1 in
1.985,04 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 15,8x11,8 in
726,92 USD
Stampe disponibili
Acrilico su Tela | 35,4x23,6 in
1.614,93 USD
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