Ström, born in the United States, is a photographer whose work spans several decades. In the previous century, he captured striking images of his friends with his Hasselblad camera, in medium format (6x6 cm). An expert in film photography, he developed his films himself and made his prints in his own darkroom, mastering every step of the process.
Today, Ström has abandoned traditional film techniques for modern methods, creating prints that rival black-and-white gelatin silver prints. His contemporary photographs are distinguished by their striking beauty, with exceptional tonal range and remarkable clarity. Each print is produced on museum-quality papers, ensuring their value to collectors. Through his extensive collection of negatives, Ström continues to reveal the great masculine beauty through timeless and evocative works.
Discover contemporary artworks by Ström, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Photography, Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin United States). Buy Ström's latest works on ArtMajeur by YourArt: Discover great art by contemporary artist Ström. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.
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Ström, born in the United States, is a photographer whose work spans several decades. In the previous century, he captured striking images of his friends with his Hasselblad camera, in medium format (6x6 cm). An expert in film photography, he developed his films himself and made his prints in his own darkroom, mastering every step of the process.
Today, Ström has abandoned traditional film techniques for modern methods, creating prints that rival black-and-white gelatin silver prints. His contemporary photographs are distinguished by their striking beauty, with exceptional tonal range and remarkable clarity. Each print is produced on museum-quality papers, ensuring their value to collectors. Through his extensive collection of negatives, Ström continues to reveal the great masculine beauty through timeless and evocative works.
- Date of birth : unknown date
- Artistic domains:
- Groups: Contemporary American Artists