Membrana 4 (2017) 彫刻 Stefa Bluestone によって

彫刻 - ストーン, 9.8x9.8 in
$534.33   $478.79
プライス: 送料無料

発送元: イタリア (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ)
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  • オリジナルのアートワーク 彫刻, ストーン
  • 寸法 高さ 9.8in, 幅 9.8in / 3.00 kg
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $1,000未満 抽象芸術
この作品について: 分類, テクニック & スタイル ストーン 固形ミネラル物質を使用した彫刻技法。 [...]


Organic FormsItalian Fine ArtItalian SculptureMarbleMarble Sculpture

I began my artistic experience in 1997, studying and sculpting at the Alessandra Porfidia’s workshop. In 2003 I won the first prize in a competition organised by the Belle Arti Academy of Rome, having entitled[...]

I began my artistic experience in 1997, studying and sculpting at the Alessandra Porfidia’s workshop. In 2003 I won the first prize in a competition organised by the Belle Arti Academy of Rome, having entitled a scholarship and free enrollment in the Academy.
The following year I exhibited one of my works at the International Art Fair in Toronto.

In 2007 I met Fabio Mauri and I became his assistant. He gave to me a completely new score and made me look at Art in a different way. Art became my “life belt”, that’s the title I gave to one of my works: “The life belt which Art is”.
In June 2009 I exhibited in Rome at the “Interno Ventidue Arte Contemporanea” gallery at the Palazzo Taverna, participating with the “Sursum Corda” collective (Alessio Deli, Piero Pizzi, Cannella, Paola Gandolfi, Felice Levini, H.H. Lim, Oliviero Rainaldi and Maurizio Savini).
Now I teach the art of sculpting in the Piccola Scuola delle Arti: I founded it in 2010. Painting classes and drawing classes are taught by many other artists.
My current artistic research and poetics use sculpture as a magnifying glass on the biology of the human body, whose matter is medium for the psychic dimension. Organic forms explore folds and cellular meanders, reactive surfaces that bear traces of human thought.

In April, 2019 I exhibited the sculpture “Piano di curve sonore” at the MACRO museum in Rome. “Piano di curve sonore” is a collective, syncretic work that connects the relationship between visual art and musical art. Formable device is an artistic representation of the empathic faculty of human being.

Stefa Bluestoneからもっと見る

彫刻 - ストーン | 16.1x9.1 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 24.4x20.1 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 13.4x15.4 in
彫刻 - ストーン | 7.9x4.3 in

