Risveglio 2 (2004) Painting by Stefano Galli

Acrylic on Canvas, 9.8x11.8 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Stefano Galli

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments mixed with synthetic resins. [...]

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Stefano Galli, born in 1950 in Falconara Marittima and nurtured amidst the dynamic milieu of Milan, seamlessly intertwines his artistic and scientific pursuits. Refusing to perceive[...]

Stefano Galli, born in 1950 in Falconara Marittima and nurtured amidst the dynamic milieu of Milan, seamlessly intertwines his artistic and scientific pursuits. Refusing to perceive a schism between the foundational principles of industrial and civil design and his lifelong commitment to art, Galli embarked on a journey where creativity and functionality coalesce.

Drawing inspiration from futurism, metaphysics, and surrealism, Galli's paintings bear the unmistakable imprint of these influential artistic movements, all while maintaining a distinct connection to the world of comics. His artistic vision transcends mere visual representation, delving into the realm of narrative composition. Themes, rich with inspiration, serve as the scaffolding upon which he constructs intricate narrative paths, often intertwining stories with images. Renowned art critic Prof. Philippe Daverio characterizes Galli's artistic expression as "meta-real," a playful manipulation of reality that distorts visual perception while affirming a concept of continuity between opposing forces—between the above and the below, the inside and the outside.

The evolution of Galli's painting unfolds as a nuanced exploration of interiors and exteriors in both space and time. His canvases feature perspectives dramatically altered to convey the absence of traditional spatial and temporal constraints, offering a singular tableau where deformation begets multiple viewpoints. In his hands, the canvas becomes a storytelling medium, akin to comic strips, allowing viewers to transcend time with a single glance. Galli emerges as a modern storyteller, utilizing the language of painting to present a dynamic fusion of narratives seen through the lens of art.

Galli's artistic triumphs have found homes in numerous collections across Italy and beyond. His works grace the walls of private collectors in Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany, England, Spain, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates.

See more from Stefano Galli

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Ballpoint pen on Paper | 9.5x13.4 in
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