Lost in Translation (2024) Painting by Stefan Fiedorowicz

Oil on Canvas, 23.6x23.6 in
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Shipping from: Austria (Box or cardboard packaging) Ships within 2 days
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Seller Stefan Fiedorowicz

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 23.6in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Abstract
I was inspired by the film Lost in Translation and it motivated me to reflect on my own midlife crisis. I began to experience isolation and a disconnect while living in Austria. It happens to the best of us. All I could do was get back on track with my life and take relationships more seriously.
I was inspired by the film Lost in Translation and it motivated me to reflect on my own midlife crisis. I began to experience isolation and a disconnect while living in Austria. It happens to the best of us. All I could do was get back on track with my life and take relationships more seriously.

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Stefan FiedorowiczLyrical AbstractionContemporary Art

Stefan Fiedorowicz, a contemporary painter based in Austria, has a profound and introspective approach to art. His work delves deep into the realm of emotions, seeking to touch[...]

Stefan Fiedorowicz, a contemporary painter based in Austria, has a profound and introspective approach to art. His work delves deep into the realm of emotions, seeking to touch the innermost core of each individual. Emotion is the driving force behind his creations, emerging from a place deep within his being, and it is this emotional resonance that enables his art to communicate with the inner worlds of others.

Fiedorowicz's artistic process is intuitive, a dance of color and emotion. He uses color as the language through which he expresses the profound and the ineffable. For him, the interaction of colors is a source of endless fascination and exploration. Each brushstroke and hue is carefully chosen to convey an emotion, transcending mere pigments on a canvas.

The act of painting, for Fiedorowicz, is not always a seamless or effortless endeavor. The more he paints, the more challenging it becomes, and he grapples with a sense of stage fright that intensifies over time. At times, the anxiety can reach such high intensity that it physically affects him. Yet, this very struggle and the emotional intensity that accompanies it are woven into the very fabric of his art.

In sharing his work with the world, Stefan Fiedorowicz offers a unique mirror through which people can glimpse facets of themselves. His art is an exploration of the human experience, a mirror that reflects the kaleidoscope of emotions that dwell within each of us.

Fiedorowicz's creative journey knows no bounds; even in the stillness of the night, his mind continues to paint. As he lies in bed, unable to sleep, he envisions paint moving across the ceiling, its fluidity and grace spilling and pouring, flowing through the cracks and converging in every corner of his imagination. His art is a testament to the power of the creative spirit and the enduring exploration of the human soul through the ever-evolving language of color.

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