La première neige. Первый снег. (2014) Sculpture by Sergey Kolokoltsov


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  1422 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1422x1500
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  • Original Artwork Sculpture, Wood
  • Dimensions Height 41.7in, Width 44.1in
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Hyperrealism
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Wood Sculpture technique using wood, natural material of plant origin.

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Kolokoltsov Sergey Borisovich is a contemporary Russian artist. During all his career took an active part in the exhibitions, cultural and public life of Ekibastuz and the Republic[...]

Kolokoltsov Sergey Borisovich is a contemporary Russian artist. During all his career took an active part in the exhibitions, cultural and public life of Ekibastuz and the Republic of Kazakhstan, for which he was awarded numerous diplomas, certificates of merit and thank-you letters. He has cooperated with museums of modern art, art galleries and salons.

Kolokoltsov Sergey Borisovich was born in 1961, in the village of Klyuchi Altai Territory RSFSR. He lives and works in Novosibirsk.

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Sculpture - Wood | 29.9x18.9 in
Sculpture - Glass | 23.6x20.1 in
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Sculpture - Glass | 31.5x20.5 in
On Request


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