ID 1777 Mensch als persönlicher Raum (2003) Pittura da Stanislaus Szypura (Stacho)

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Venditore Stanislaus Szypura (Stacho)

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32,48 USD
129,92 USD
270,68 USD
Risoluzione massima: 460 x 451 px
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Venditore Stanislaus Szypura (Stacho)

Certificato di autenticità incluso
  • Opera d'arte originale Pittura,
  • Dimensioni Altezza 28,7in, Larghezza 29,1in
  • Categorie Quadri sotto i 5.000 USD
Öl auf Leinwand7 A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Tecnico Pittura La pittura è una forma[...]
Öl auf Leinwand7
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Stacho Stanislaus Szypura has mainly focused on fine art, he has been working prevalantly as a painter; painting mostly in oil but also producing drawings and gouaches. His work is based on a profound stock[...]

Stacho Stanislaus Szypura has mainly focused on fine art, he has been working prevalantly as a painter; painting mostly in oil but also producing drawings and gouaches. His work is based on a profound stock of knowledge in the fields of art history. The human being in its multiple dimensions, with sense and ambition of its art, is the quintessential.
Born at 1954 in Kassel first ST.ST.Szypura start with university training to be a high school teacher at the Kassel university, which he gave up in favour of painting. Visual artist since 1975. In the last 30 years ST.ST.Szypura evolved his arts without puplic in Kassel - the first part of his catalogue raisonne, listing some 800 oil paintings, was puplished in 2005 in the world wide web. Parallel to the documenta 12, pAR_cOURS_pAR_aRT, the first comprehensive work exhibition at six locations of art, start at same time.

The creation of artist ST.ST.Szypura`s the paintings can, of course, be placed in a conceptual context. He works in series, the basis of which are clearly defined idea complexes. In these arenas there is systematic exploring and experiencing. Thus, a most varied group of works developed (in the meantime), giving expression in an exemplary way to the potential of the most diverse concepts. These systematic exploring and experiencing manoevre and strategies conduce the sense and intentions of his work. The meaning and intention is, and remains, to render the invisible visible. The point is, reality and authenticity of mind and soul can be experienced.

Stanislaus’ main interest for the last 30 years has been the fine arts. Since 1990 he has worked mainly as a painter with emphasis on oil painting. Other media include drawings and gouaches.

The formal means he employs have their origins in the classical modern era and in the manifestations of this style during the forties to the sixties. The discovery of the individual which Renaissance, Mannerism and Romantic Periods turned into a subject of art in different ways, forms the spiritual background to his work. A further focal point of his involvement in the fine arts is the radical positioning of the human being in the centre of his work.

The conscious decision to use an established traditional framework such as painting was borne out of the passionate need to understand and give expression to the nature of subjectivity in its concrete manifestation of spirit and soul. Subjectivity (e.g. creativity, imagination, individuality, spontaneity, etc.) to him is the central power of art. The value of humanity in its multiple dimensions and its timelessness is the motif for endless play.

Painting provides him with new, exciting and valid experiences in the above sense. This is particularly true of experiences pertaining to the arena of the empty square. Painting is therefore currently the medium best suited to his intentions.

St.St.Szypura ist bildender Künstler mit Schwerpunkt Malerei, Grafik und Gouachen. Fundiertes Wissen...

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