VEILING | woman in blue (2020) Malerei von Soontou Baarn

Digitale Malerei auf Leinwand, 25,2x44,5 in
2.390,26 $
Preis: Kostenloser Versand
Verkäufer Soontou Baarn
Kundenrezensionen (11)
Versand aus: Deutschland (Schachtel oder Kartonverpackung) Versand unter 2 Tage
14-tägiges Rückgaberecht
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100% sichere Transaktion
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Digitale Lizenzierung

Dieses Bild steht zum Download mit einer Lizenz zur Verfügung

32,44 $
129,77 $
270,35 $
Maximale Auflösung: 8192 x 4610 px
Sofort nach dem Kauf herunterladen
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Verkäufer Soontou Baarn

Vom Künstler signiertes Kunstwerk
Echtheitszertifikat enthalten
Auf Keilrahmen aus Holz montiert
Dieses Kunstwerk erscheint in 8 Sammlungen
Often we keep our true feelings behind our veils. This makes us feel safer and more invulnerable. But whoever looks through this veil sees behind it the true beauty, grace, sensuality and splendor of the human being. Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken[...]
Often we keep our true feelings behind our veils. This makes us feel safer and more invulnerable. But whoever looks through this veil sees behind it the true beauty, grace, sensuality and splendor of the human being.

Verwandte Themen


after graduating from high school, i was looking forward to studying at the state university of arts. My interest has always been to combine the arts and to find my own personal expression in art. so[...]

after graduating from high school, i was looking forward to studying at the state university of arts.

My interest has always been to combine the arts and to find my own personal expression in art. so i have always explored the boundaries between music, moving images and fine arts. after many professional escapades in a wide variety of artistic professions, i have been working as a free artist since 2005. Fortunately, as i was always involved in professional projects, i didn't have to make a name for myself through competitions and exhibitions. What fell by the wayside, however, was to pursue my artistic ambitions for my very own art, my very own topics.

so i started my very own "painting"-career. because art as a physical manifestation of my nonphysical soul is for me the means to express myself in this world. after all these commercial constraints i wanted to dissolve outdated patterns and dedicate myself to the freedom of BEING. 

so nowadays, i doscovered for my works the “unpainted” type. I've always been open to the latest technologies and how to use them creatively. after all the technical innovations and possibilities in the creative area, I paint these days with digital brushes, oil, watercolor and chalk techniques that are superimposed and mounted in multiple layers. it is a long process with heart, soul and handmade usage of technologies that leads to my works of art, who then always have my personal message and a spiritual expression.

the nakedness in my pictures symbolizes the nakedness in the face of (let´s say) "god", the nakedness in the face of oneself / one's own honestness, and the nakedness representing the fascination and perfection of the human and especially the female incarnated body, which we choose once consciously.

for me, spirituality and sexuality play a central role in my way, creating art. i am ready to celebrate the gift of our bodies, especially the female body as a temple of intuition, aesthetics, absolute beauty and as a gift of iternity. the union of the male and female principle allows us to take a quick look at the infinite dimensions of being. my pictures should symbolize this and remind us of who we actually are.

it is not other artists who have influenced me, but my way of living. it was a way to find myself and to find my own personal expression in it. after many attempts, i found my way in the different arts. however, since we still think in "drawers" it is difficult to make this understandable. but those who have embarked on their own inner journey understand what I mean. so I stay independent and honest, authentic and true to myself.

Mehr von Soontou Baarn

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