mind fluid15 (2017) Painting by Shima Ghasemi

Oil on Canvas, 51.2x66.9 in
$4,347   $4,047
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Seller Shima Ghasemi

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork is framed
This artwork appears in 19 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions 51.2x66.9 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 51.2in, Width 66.9in
  • Framing This artwork is framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists[...]

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PaintingArtArtistMind Fluid

Website: shimaghasemiiii.com Shima Ghasemi is an Iranian artist, who was born in 1991 in Isfahan, Iran and raised in her hometown. Shima is an interdisciplinary artist with roots in the humanity,[...]

Website: shimaghasemiiii.com

Shima Ghasemi is an Iranian artist, who was born in 1991 in Isfahan, Iran and raised in her hometown. Shima is an interdisciplinary artist with roots in the humanity, related thinking, identity and cultures. She has a great experience in all painting mediums. Her works have been exhibited in several group and a solo exhibition throughout Iran and some other countries.
In addition, she has cooperation with many famous online galleries and stores all around the world.
She revealed her inherent artistic tendencies at an early age. Years later, she decided to pursue a career in the art and chose painting as her field of study at conservatory of Fine Arts in 2009.

Then she received her BFA in painting from Sepehr University of Isfahan, Iran in 2014. Furthermore, she was selected and rewarded the 21st and 22nd Honorary Diploma from Iran’s Young Visual Arts Festival. The following year, Shima got accepted in Tarbiat Modares University to do her master’s degree in visual art and defended her thesis entitled “A Study on the Common Spirit of Great Religions and Plastic Arts (Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroaster)”.
She has been teaching visual arts in a few institutes since 2015. Besides, she has been becoming school teacher since 2020, as well as university lecturer since September, 2021.
Her strength is that she enjoys every field of visual arts and actively pursuing them including printmaking, photography, sketching, painting (moral, 3D) and mix media arts.

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