America 2020 (2020) Photography by Shaun Johnson

Photography, 20x25 in
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Seller Shaun Johnson

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
I stumbled across this flag hanging in a window in Colquitt, Georgia. This was in January of 2020. I felt it resembled what America looked like to me at the time, but unaware of what was to come. I have be ventured back to where I took this photo and discovered this flag is no longer hanging in that window. Photos are printed on Hahnemühle[...]
I stumbled across this flag hanging in a window in Colquitt, Georgia. This was in January of 2020. I felt it resembled what America looked like to me at the time, but unaware of what was to come. I have be ventured back to where I took this photo and discovered this flag is no longer hanging in that window.

Photos are printed on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Pearl

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Shaun Johnson's photography stands poised to leave an indelible mark in art history. Renowned for his high-contrast, detail-rich compositions, Johnson's work transcends mere imagery to capture profound[...]

Shaun Johnson's photography stands poised to leave an indelible mark in art history. Renowned for his high-contrast, detail-rich compositions, Johnson's work transcends mere imagery to capture profound narratives and emotive depth. Each photograph reflects his mastery in balancing light and shadow, inviting viewers to explore intricate stories within every frame.

In the evolution of photography, Johnson emerges as a visionary artist, pushing boundaries and redefining the medium's expressive potential. His diverse portfolio spans subjects and themes that resonate deeply, positioning him as a contemporary luminary with lasting cultural impact. Shaun Johnson's contribution not only enriches the present discourse but also promises a significant legacy, securing his place among the esteemed pioneers of visual storytelling.

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