In shallow water. (2018) Drawing by Sergey Sovkov


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  1057 px  

1500 px
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 8.3in, Width 11.4in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Drawings under $500
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Ink A strongly tinted liquid or paste that is used to mark paper or other printable materials. The[...]
Sergey Sovkov, a contemporary artist currently residing in Austria, originally hails from Russia. Graduating from the University of Togliatti in 1997, he embarked on a 17-year teaching[...]

Sergey Sovkov, a contemporary artist currently residing in Austria, originally hails from Russia. Graduating from the University of Togliatti in 1997, he embarked on a 17-year teaching career at the same institution before venturing into entrepreneurship. In 2016, Sergey, alongside his husband Erwin, established the studio gallery "Blaue Tauben."

Sergey's artistic focus revolves around painting and ceramics, particularly exploring the theme of youthful male nudity in the context of innocence, joy, and the beauty of life. Additionally, he engages in still life painting, employing his distinctive style known as "Divetro."

Conversely, Erwin's artistic endeavors are centered on expressing the inner world of images, feelings, and thoughts through a dance-like approach, emphasizing the naked body's connection with the mental and emotional realms.

Sergey's mission is to discover and convey the beauty and dynamism of life, presenting it to the world and its inhabitants. Erwin's mission is to integrate sexuality into the context of innocence, portraying the interconnectedness of the inner and outer worlds as an inseparable entity. Together, Sergey and Erwin contribute to the artistic landscape with their unique perspectives and collaborative projects.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Sergey Sovkov

View all artworks
Conté on Paper | 8.3x11.4 in
Pastel on Paper | 7.9x7.9 in
Pastel on Paper | 11.4x8.3 in
Painting | 31.5x23.6 in


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