Water burn Corona (2020) Painting by Sebastian Olivier Burckhardt

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x35.4 in
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Seller Sebastian Olivier Burckhardt

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 27.6in, Width 35.4in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Abstract
Water reflections red blue yellow About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments mixed with synthetic[...]
Water reflections red blue yellow
Automatically translated
Sebastian Burckhardt Burckhardt combines classic mastery with the total freedom of postmodern painting. He is well-versed and traveled, yet has never been seduced by gimmicky or illustrative-striking[...]

Sebastian Burckhardt
Burckhardt combines classic mastery with the total freedom of postmodern painting. He is well-versed and traveled, yet has never been seduced by gimmicky or illustrative-striking fashion trends. He has remained true to his unique mastery of colors and the rhythms of his lines.
Painting by Sebastian Burckhardt

It rarely happens that a single artist creates several styles at the same time and that these lead to total scenic harmony. This is how you could describe the painting art of the Swiss Sebastian Burckhardt. This end result is admirable indeed.
One perceives a profound élan, a constant change in the painterly or perhaps also a deeply rooted dissatisfaction of the artist, although from the point of view of the external connoisseur one can only really enjoy it.

In addition, one must also add that in his works one can literally smell the need to narrate and depict the scenery: from beginning to end through formal use of several paintings, which are brought closer, creating a kind of diptych or triptych, almost the painting " Recall Il tributo della gabella "by Masaccio (1401-1429).

Then there are paintings like "USA Parking", where Sebastian Burckhardt's painterly action sweeps over to realism, certainly not obsessive, but stubbornly entered in a contemporary dimension.

Works like "Solden / Sodena Italy Alto Adige" or "Worlds End" seem to show a real overcoming of the artist. Like a personal pivot, especially more intimate and collected, with which he will be able to initiate future results that will certainly be very interesting.

Sebastian Burckhardt works in oil on canvas, mixed media, watercolor, tempera and with natural pigments. Burckhardt - having a large repertoire of sophisticated techniques that help him implement topics that mainly tell of his travels and, in some cases, stays abroad for several years - composes pictures like a composer does his music.
Vibrant surfaces, transparent rooms and the inner light that dominates his landscapes open up views of realities that we know we have already seen, believe that we carry them within us and yet we see them again in his pictures.

Burckhardt combines classical mastery with the total freedom of postmodern painting. He is well-versed and traveled, yet has never been seduced by gimmicky or illustrative-striking fashion trends. He has remained true to his unique mastery of colors and the rhythms of his lines.

Sebastian Burckhardt was born in Bern in 1950. After studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, he lived in Venezuela from 1980 to 1986 ...

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