Keith et Mick (1989) Photography by Pierre Schwartz

Photography, 5.1x7.1 in
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This artwork appears in 3 collections
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards during the recording of the album Steel Wheels in Tangier Morocco 1989 About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards during the recording of the album Steel Wheels in Tangier Morocco 1989

Related themes

Rolling StonesTangerMarocMick JaggerKeith

Automatically translated
Pierre Schwartz is passionate about nature, he devotes a large part of his work to the wild beauty of animals. In his research on Przewalski's horse, his obsession is to pay homage to the last wild[...]

Pierre Schwartz is passionate about nature, he devotes a large part of his work to the wild beauty of animals. In his research on Przewalski's horse, his obsession is to pay homage to the last wild horse represented in Paleolithic art and to rediscover in his images the magic of these rock engravings which marked the beginning of pictorial art there is over 60,000 years.

The 20th century is that of photography and it is not by chance that one evening in 1985 the magic of this new art appeared to him while leafing through a book by the famous photographer Henri Cartier Bresson in the living room of a friend. same disciple of the master of the decisive moment.

From this discovery, photography will never again be a simple act of reproduction but a way of transmitting a moment of life with all the sensitivity and spontaneity that comes from the heart. His first steps are like a challenge and therefore offers his services as a reporter photographer for the "Reuters Paris" press agency, producing news reports for the press.

After several appearances in the daily Liberation, the photo department commissioned photo reports from him, treating the news with an offbeat look. After two years of Parisian reporting his love of nature invites him to the Cévennes to process his first magazine report on the griffon vulture, recently reintroduced in the gorges of Causse Méjean, several weeks watching this great glider in the limestone solitude of this wild space conclude with its first publication of 12 pages in the magazine "Terre Sauvage".

It will be a trip of several months to Morocco where he decides to follow the last falconers who have kept their flying hunting traditions: "the last falconers of Morocco". First reserved for the Figaro Magazine, this subject will finally appear in the Geo Magazine with which he will collaborate for several years.

The consecration will be a background work on the return of the wolf to Europe, this report will appear in the European press "Stern", "Géo France", "Geo Spain", "The Sunday Telegraph Magazine" and "7 Courrier de la Serra" .

In 1989, during his travels in Morocco, he attended the recording of the piece "Continental Drift" by the Rolling Stones. This meeting will allow him to create a series of images in the intimacy of the mythical group.

He then collaborated with several press agencies Sipa Press, GLMR, then worked for the television channel "Canal Plus" as a set photographer.

For five years now, he has been exploring the new possibilities of aerial photography with drones, and continues in-depth work on the last wild horse on earth: Przewalski's Horse.

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