Rebelle (2023) Photography by Sandro Coluccia

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  701 px  

864 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 701x864
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Photography, Giclée Print / Digital Print
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Photography Photography refers to the combination of[...]
At 52 years old and with more than 30 years of experience in the building sector, during which I carried out various projects in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France, I found myself at a point in my life[...]

At 52 years old and with more than 30 years of experience in the building sector, during which I carried out various projects in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France, I found myself at a point in my life where I wanted to explore new facets of my creativity. Walking throughout the year behind the scenes of the construction of these great architectural works, my job is to watch over the countless details that populate and make a site evolve, from the foundations to delivery: materials, tools, machines, storage, colors, materials, geometric figures, abstract shapes, superpositions, assemblages and entanglements, to which few have access and even fewer pay attention other than that relating to building technology. I drew from this teeming, dense and colorful universe a source of inspiration and the desire to highlight and reveal to as many people as possible the beauty that emerges from the details of the different stages of construction. This is how the camera found its place in my work bag next to my ruler and my pencil.

E adesso in Italiano 😉

At 52 years old and with another 30 years of hope in my current life, I was able to realize a variety of cantieri in Italy, Svizzera, Germany and France, my sono ritrovato a point della vita in cui ho voluto esplorare nuove sfaccettature della mia creatività. Throughout the year, when it comes to diet, the fifth part of the structure of this grown-up architectural opera, my loved ones have to pay attention to the number of popolano and fanno evolving a cantiere, the foundation of the opera. Material, attractiveness, machine construction, storage, color, material, geometric shape, astrate shape, design, assembly and construction, I have quality access and anchorage that is easily accessible to other manufacturers. However, this is a hot universe, dense and colored with an inspired font and the light of the light and rivets to the great public, the beauty that emerges from the various styles of construction. It's the photo machine if it's on the floor near the toilet near the metro and all the way.

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Photography | Several sizes
Not For Sale
Photography | Several sizes
Not For Sale
Photography | Several sizes
Not For Sale
Photography | Several sizes
Not For Sale


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