Divided Paths (2024) Painting by Samantha Malone

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x39.4 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
"Divided Paths" has a strong emphasis on color, form, and texture. The interplay of vibrant hues and intricate shapes creates a dynamic visual experience that captures the viewer's attention and encourages exploration. The color palette is bold and varied, with many hues of blues, purples, and reds. These colors are complemented by occasional[...]
"Divided Paths" has a strong emphasis on color, form, and texture. The interplay of vibrant hues and intricate shapes creates a dynamic visual experience that captures the viewer's attention and encourages exploration. The color palette is bold and varied, with many hues of blues, purples, and reds. These colors are complemented by occasional pinks and yellows, creating a lively and engaging visual experience. The use of both acrylic paint and oil stick adds richness to the surface, enhancing the overall impact of the piece.

Acrylic paint, acrylic marker, watercolor pencil and oil stick on stretched canvas. This artwork has been sealed with a gloss varnish to protect it from dust and UV. The sides of both canvases have been painted white.

Diptych - two canvases of 50x70cm. Together 100x70cm.

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DiptychBoldAbstractLines And ShapesBright

Samantha Malone is a contemporary abstract artist originally from Australia's east coast and currently living in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. She is a self-taught artist with an academic background in environmental[...]

Samantha Malone is a contemporary abstract artist originally from Australia's east coast and currently living in Tel Aviv-Jaffa. She is a self-taught artist with an academic background in environmental science. Her art is an exploration of form, color, and the natural connectivity of shapes. Her geometric abstract style delves into the interplay of shapes and colors to evoke a sense of interconnectedness. Samantha works primarily with acrylic paint on canvas, often incorporating mixed-media techniques, such as layering the artworks with oil pastels, watercolor pencils and acrylic markers to create depth and visual engagement. 

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