composizione_40_23 (2023) Painting by Salvatore Balice

Acrylic on Canvas, 39.4x39.4 in
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Seller Salvatore Balice

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 4 collections
Seeing secrets of the Adriatic Sea through its light ... About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments[...]
Seeing secrets of the Adriatic Sea through its light ...

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Automatically translated
Salvatore Balice, painter and photographer, was born in Bari, capital of the Puglia region, in southern Italy. A self-taught artist, he has a background in architectural interior design. All his works[...]

Salvatore Balice, painter and photographer, was born in Bari, capital of the Puglia region, in southern Italy. A self-taught artist, he has a background in architectural interior design.

All his works go beyond the mere phenomenal and earthly character of expression. They are the fruit of an individual research that he has been carrying out for more than twenty years, where the direct intuition of the thing itself, of its essence, is his only path. Like a hollow bamboo inside, it creates a space in itself to listen to what resonates without the crushing noise of the voice of the tumult, to no longer visit but to be visited, notably by silence... Salvatore Balice s' interested in the aura of the image, in the impermanence of the structure.

Born in 1967, he lives and works in Bari, Italy. It is in this city that he finds his inspiration and brings his artistic works to life, exploring the multiple dimensions of painting and photography. His self-taught journey allows him to express his personal vision of the world through unique compositions, where the sensation of the ephemeral and the search for essence mingle harmoniously.

See more from Salvatore Balice

View all artworks
Photography | 43.3x28.7 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 39.4x39.4 in
Photography | 26.4x35 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 19.7x19.7 in


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