Growth Arte digitale da Russell Newell

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  • Opera d'arte originale Arte digitale, Modellazione 3D
  • Dimensioni Le dimensioni sono disponibili su richiesta
  • Categorie Surrealismo Spiritualità
Fertility and growth in nature. A high resolution rendering (3508 px x 2480 px 300 ppi). A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Modellazione 3D [...]
Fertility and growth in nature. A high resolution rendering (3508 px x 2480 px 300 ppi).

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Hi I'm a Graphic Designer who became interested in 3D modelling and rendering as a means to visually realise ideas, themes, scenes and creations that have always been part of my psyche for as long[...]


I'm a Graphic Designer who became interested in 3D modelling and rendering as a means to visually realise ideas, themes, scenes and creations that have always been part of my psyche for as long as I can remember.

Sometimes these images are conceived as a result of particular dreams or just spontaneous random visions, imaginings or musings.

The images invariably have a strong Surrealist influence and will often feature unusual contrasting elements and settings which can be both disturbing and humorous at the same time.

I hope you enjoy these offerings from the world of digital art that I like to call Digital Dreams!

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Arte digitale
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Arte digitale
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Arte digitale
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Arte digitale
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