The Art of Zen - On trip (2022) Painting by Rui Amblard

Watercolor on Cardboard, 13.8x13.8 in
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This artwork appears in 1 collections
Chinese traditional aesthetics is the art of Zen. My artworks bring a moment of relaxation to the busy life of modern people, making people rethink the meaning of life. / L'esthétique traditionnelle chinoise est l'art du Zen. Mon oeuvres permet aux gens modernes de prendre un moment de détente dans leur vie trépidante et de repenser le sens[...]
Chinese traditional aesthetics is the art of Zen. My artworks bring a moment of relaxation to the busy life of modern people, making people rethink the meaning of life. / L'esthétique traditionnelle chinoise est l'art du Zen. Mon oeuvres permet aux gens modernes de prendre un moment de détente dans leur vie trépidante et de repenser le sens de la vie.

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Automatically translated
1978年,born in China 2002年,prosses own gallery in China 2005年,settle down in France 2022年,became professional painter in France (under contract with Carre d'artriste gallery) Hello,[...]

1978年,born in China

2002年,prosses own gallery in China

2005年,settle down in France

2022年,became professional painter in France (under contract with Carre d'artriste gallery)

Hello, my name is Rui Amblard, I am a traditional Chinese painter growing up in Xi'an (city), China (country). My hometown was the capital of 13 dynasties in Chinese history, and a holy place of traditional Chinese culture. There are countless old-style buildings, beautiful natural landscapes and numerous art galleries. My inspiration comes from famous mountain temples, classical gardens in China, I like to draw in places with beautiful landscapes. I also enjoy studying the works of ancient masters, especially the works of the Song dynasty - the peak of traditional Chinese painting. I took a lot of inspiration from it and little by little I found my own style.
   The materials of Chinese painting are very particular, the papers used are made by a traditional method, as are the pigments. The techniques of my art include mood expression, water control; the shade of the ink and the force of the brush touching the paper. The success of a work depends on these factors.

My works express a Zen vision of life - of the unity of man and nature, - forgetting things and oneself, expressing a philosophy of serenity and detachment .

    The creative process of the work. In general I draw by a series theme. Like the alpine series, the animal series or the four seasons series, the series of different colors. This is done to allow coherence between several works to be seen and sold. After having determined the theme, start the draft then trace the outline then color twice, the first time you have to wait for it to dry and the second time until the first coloring is dry, then the corresponding poems (generally old poems) are matched according to different themes of the image, and prints (my name), and the final procedure consists of flattening the paper and letting it rest for a day. The above procedure is the basic procedure for completing a drawing.

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