ALEXA 29062 (2024) Painting by Rüdiger Eggers

Watercolor on Paper, 28.7x19.7 in
Price: Free Shipping

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Seller Rüdiger Eggers

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Watercolor on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 28.7in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Hyperrealism
ALEXA 29062 auf 300g Saunders Waterford. KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ - MENSCHLICHE INTELLIGENZ Die Menschlichkeit wird durch die KI herausgefordert sich zu beweisen. Und nun? Die KI soll die Zukunft regieren, unser aller Zukunft, so heißt es. Mir macht das Angst! Werden wir Menschen etwa nach und nach durch die[...]
ALEXA 29062 auf 300g Saunders Waterford.

Die Menschlichkeit wird durch die KI herausgefordert sich zu beweisen.
Und nun?
Die KI soll die Zukunft regieren, unser aller Zukunft, so heißt es.
Mir macht das Angst!
Werden wir Menschen etwa nach und nach durch die KI ersetzt, quasi entmenschlicht?
Meine "ALEXA-Serie" ist nicht etwa eine Vergötterung der KI, wie man denken könnte. Das Gegenteil ist wohl eher der Fall. Was verbirgt sich hinter der Maske? Keiner weiß es!
Meine Werke male ich von Hand in tage- und wochenlanger Arbeit in
alter akademischer Aquarellmalerei. Auch wenn ich mich dem neuen
KI-Kunstmarkt gegenüber manchmal ohnmächtig fühle, bleibe ich dabei,
meine Art von Kunst, handwerklich zu erzeugen.
Automatically translated
Rüdiger Eggers is a contemporary German painter whose artistic journey spans over 40 years, driven by love and passion for painting and drawing. Born in 1958, Eggers studied[...]

Rüdiger Eggers is a contemporary German painter whose artistic journey spans over 40 years, driven by love and passion for painting and drawing. Born in 1958, Eggers studied at the University of Applied Arts in Heiligendamm and has made Kiel, Germany, his home.

In recent years, Eggers has focused on watercolor painting, favoring a realistic style that often borders on hyperrealism. His work emphasizes the interplay of colors and light, each piece capturing a unique mood. Eggers predominantly employs the glazing technique in his watercolor paintings, an academic method that involves layering multiple coats of paint. This meticulous process lends his colors a remarkable luminosity and imparts a profound sense of depth to his images.

In addition to his artistic pursuits, Eggers has had a distinguished career spanning over 30 years as an interior designer and graduate designer in planning and architectural offices. Since 2021, following his early retirement, he has devoted himself entirely to his art. Rüdiger Eggers' works are cherished in many private collections, a testament to his skill and the evocative quality of his art.

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