Shaping Colour - 230804.5.4 (2023) デジタルアーツ Rosemary Collard によって



お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Rosemary Collard

  • この作品は「オープンエディション」です デジタルアーツ, ジークレープリント / デジタルプリント
  • 寸法 利用可能ないくつかのサイズ
  • 利用可能ないくつかのサポート (ファインアート紙, 金属への印刷, キャンバスプリント)
  • フレーミング 利用可能なフレーミング (フローティングフレーム+アンダーグラス, フレーム+アクリルガラスの下)
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • カテゴリ 抽象芸術 カラフル
It's my habit to take time to concentrate on inventing new compositions. A collection will result which I like to think about before going to colour. As the file number indicates it was prepared early in August but it was only today that I was inspired to develop it further. The palette I created especially for it perhaps to match[...]
It's my habit to take time to concentrate on inventing new compositions. A collection will result which I like to think about before going to colour.
As the file number indicates it was prepared early in August but it was only today that I was inspired to develop it further. The palette I created especially for it perhaps to match the reflective mood I was in.



Rosemary Collard (b.1948) - Contemporary digital artist, born and raised in Western Australia and now living in Tasmania,  Australia.    Whether compositional designs or patterns, my work stems from[...]

Rosemary Collard (b.1948) - Contemporary digital artist, born and raised in Western Australia and now living in Tasmania,  Australia.   

Whether compositional designs or patterns, my work stems from   subconscious imaginings.  I believe this source when tapped brings originality and uniqueness to any artists work.

Perhaps the food my subconscious responds to most is nature.  Walks through bushland invariably present new shapes or colours or textures which will appear at some stage  in my artwork.

Doodling, the seemingly absentminded act of scribbling has been the catalyst for the method I now use when creating my abstract art. With minimal thought I like to create what appears to be chaos on the digital artboard ensuring all works start spontaneous.

I aim for a random chaotic appearance which will become a design once I start to transform it into a plausible piece. The title of a work often seems to emerge as the design is revealed. I like to take my time creating each piece to allow ideas and possibilities to reveal themselves.

The abstract art of Wassily Kandinsky has been a source of inspiration since my art student days in the mid 1970’s. Here was someone who was interested in composing with the absolute elements of design - shape, line, dot and colour. He created a new abstract reality which has remained timeless. His grading of colour using the tonal value of colour reminded me of scales in music and has influence all my work in the past 50 years of creating images.

Rosemary Collardからもっと見る

ガラスの製版 | 54x36 in
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ
デジタルアーツ | いくつかのサイズ

