Hamburger Vending Machine (2012) Digital Arts by Rose Marinelli

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  1500 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1500x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Right of reselling No
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Digital Arts, 2D Digital Work
  • Dimensions Dimensions are available on request
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Categories Conceptual Art Everyday Life
Other Variations: As this art is digital, additional sizes and even murals may be available upon request. The colors of this artwork can also be adjusted to suit your preferences provided they do not change the concept of the artwork. Feel free to reach out to the artist, Rose Marinelli, for more information on available variations or to discuss any[...]
Other Variations: As this art is digital, additional sizes and even murals may be available upon request. The colors of this artwork can also be adjusted to suit your preferences provided they do not change the concept of the artwork. Feel free to reach out to the artist, Rose Marinelli, for more information on available variations or to discuss any specific requirements you may have.
Rose Marinelli, a visionary new media artist and photographer, traces her artistic roots to Sydney's Inner West, where she grew up and continues to be based. Her academic journey led her to the University[...]

Rose Marinelli, a visionary new media artist and photographer, traces her artistic roots to Sydney's Inner West, where she grew up and continues to be based. Her academic journey led her to the University of Western Sydney, where she honed her craft in graphic design and photography, setting the stage for her captivating artistic journey.

With over three decades of digital artistry under her belt, Rose navigates the digital realm with finesse and creativity. Her primary medium is the digital canvas, where she wields the power of technology to craft intricate visual narratives. Drawing inspiration from traditional painting techniques, Rose's digital paintings come to life through the skilled manipulation of digital tools. The culmination of her process involves translating her creations onto physical mediums like canvas or art paper, bridging the gap between the digital and tactile.

A devotee of artistic pioneers, Rose finds herself drawn to the thought-provoking imagery of René Magritte and the evocative techniques of impressionist luminaries Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. She also counts herself among the admirers of pop culture icon Andy Warhol, who, intriguingly, also ventured into the realm of digital artistry back in 1985.

Rose's artistic expression is deeply rooted in her personal journey, reflecting both the joys and challenges that life has bestowed upon her. In the midst of life's twists and turns, she's found solace and empowerment through her creative endeavours. Her diverse range of subject matters, spanning the urban landscape, the world of music, and the pulse of current affairs, encapsulate the multifaceted nature of existence.

Bold colours and textured layers define Rose's visual language, imbuing her creations with a vibrant energy that's uniquely her own. Beyond the surface, her art often employs visual metaphors and surrealist elements to convey profound ideas and experiences. As you explore her artworks, you'll encounter an open and candid reflection of Rose's emotions, doubts, and personal struggles—unfiltered and honest.

Rose's rich professional background spans various industries, from music manufacturing to large-scale retail. She's lent her creative touch to designing point-of-sale products and coordinating trade shows for tech organisations. Her artistic endeavors have not only garnered attention domestically but have also found homes in the hands of appreciators across the globe.

Feel free to reach out to Rose with any questions, feedback, or thoughts. Her art is a testament to her ongoing journey of self-discovery and exploration, always evolving, always embracing new horizons.

See more from Rose Marinelli

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Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in
Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in
Digital Arts | 15.8x23.6 in
Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in


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