Soaring High IV (2024) Photography by Rosa Frei

Photography, 18.1x18.1 in
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
From a series of 4 images. This intentional camera movement (ICM) image captures a seagull in flight, rendered with a beautiful blur that gives the photograph a dreamlike quality. The seagull's wings are gracefully extended, and its form is abstracted by the motion blur, creating a sense of fluidity and dynamism. The background is[...]
From a series of 4 images.

This intentional camera movement (ICM) image captures a seagull in flight, rendered with a beautiful blur that gives the photograph a dreamlike quality. The seagull's wings are gracefully extended, and its form is abstracted by the motion blur, creating a sense of fluidity and dynamism. The background is a deep, uniform blue, representing the sky, which provides a striking contrast to the white and grey tones of the bird. The ICM technique emphasizes the motion and energy of the seagull's flight, with the blurred lines and soft edges contributing to an ethereal, almost ghostly effect. This artistic approach conveys the essence of freedom and the beauty of the seagull in motion, capturing a moment that feels both transient and timeless.

Three print sizes are available as a Limited Edition of 11 each.
Printed on Giclée Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308gsm paper.
Signed and numbered.
Comes with a certificate of authenticity.

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Born in Switzerland and based in Morocco since 2007, Rosa is a passionate fine art photographer captivated by the landscapes of the desert. Drawn to the simplicity and vastness of the dunes, she specializes[...]

Born in Switzerland and based in Morocco since 2007, Rosa is a passionate fine art photographer captivated by the landscapes of the desert. Drawn to the simplicity and vastness of the dunes, she specializes in capturing the essence of desert landscapes through a minimalistic approach.

Living amidst the shifting sands of Morocco, Rosa continually seeks to explore the interplay of light and shadow, form and emptiness, in the ever-changing canvas of the desert, its landscapes, people, and culture. Her photographs reflect a deep love for this barren yet captivating environment, inviting viewers to experience its spirit through her unique artistic style and perspective.

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