Barco en Seco (2024) Photography by Rocío Civani

Fine art paper, 8x12 in

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  1000 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1000x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Right of reselling No
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Photography, Giclée Print / Digital Print
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Categories Street Art Boat
Fotografía digital en blanco y negro tratada con técnicas de revelado y edición digital. Talcahuano es uno de los puertos mas importantes de Chile en Sudamérica, en el se encuentran bases navales, museos, mercado, y por supuesto, maestranzas donde es posible observar la reparación de grandes barcos en tierra. La imagen intenta transmitir la sorpresa[...]
Fotografía digital en blanco y negro tratada con técnicas de revelado y edición digital. Talcahuano es uno de los puertos mas importantes de Chile en Sudamérica, en el se encuentran bases navales, museos, mercado, y por supuesto, maestranzas donde es posible observar la reparación de grandes barcos en tierra. La imagen intenta transmitir la sorpresa que causa a la imaginación ver un barco fuera del agua. Como un animal fuera de su hábitat se vuelve un objeto extraño, difícil de comprender. Un relato que cambia sin el contexto habitual.

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Automatically translated
Rocío C. Ivani, born in 1978 in Santiago de Chile, is a prominent contemporary photographer who leaves her mark with her meaningful images. Her artistic career has been deeply rooted in her native country,[...]

Rocío C. Ivani, born in 1978 in Santiago de Chile, is a prominent contemporary photographer who leaves her mark with her meaningful images. Her artistic career has been deeply rooted in her native country, its people, its geography and the Andes mountain range. In her latest works, she draws on analog photography, and especially in the use of black and white to explore complex themes related to gender and identity. Civani is recognized for her ability to capture the essence of her subjects with emotional depth and a unique sensitivity.

Throughout her career, Civani has presented her work in several notable exhibitions, among which stands out the exhibition “Portraits”, an exhibition of outstanding works by the Fotocine Club of Chile. This exhibition consolidated her reputation as one of the most promising photographers in the medium, offering an introspective and nuanced view of her subjects through her characteristic style. Her focus on analog photography allows her to explore and document the essence of her subjects with an elegant aesthetic.

One of Civani’s most important projects is “Chiloé and the Geography of Myths,” a series that examines the legends and folklore of southern Chile through a lens that blends the real geography with imaginary landscapes. This ongoing project has been highlighted for its ability to capture the cultural richness and complexity of the Chilean landscape, reflecting not only the external reality but also the mythical and symbolic depths of the territory. Civani’s work continues to be a valuable contribution to the dialogue on identity and gender in contemporary photography.

See more from Rocío Civani

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