generation (2000) Scultura da Robert Winslow

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Venditore Robert Winslow

  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Scultura, Pietra su Altro substrato
  • Dimensioni Altezza 59,8in, Larghezza 59,8in / 40.00 kg
  • Adatto per l'esterno? No, Questa opera d'arte non può essere visualizzata all'aperto
  • Categorie Astratta Natura
Carving from granite glacial boulders, procured from the countryside in the northern United States. A proposito di quest'opera: Classificazione, tecniche & Stili Pietra [...]
Carving from granite glacial boulders, procured from the countryside in the northern United States.
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  Born in 1950, Robert Winslow spent most of his formative years in Los Angeles and Phoenix, Arizona. Winslow studied fine art at the University of California-Irvine, Arizona State University, and the[...]


Born in 1950, Robert Winslow spent most of his formative years in Los Angeles and Phoenix, Arizona. Winslow studied fine art at the University of California-Irvine, Arizona State University, and the University of Arizona. His body of work includes many mediums. He is a master sculptor and has worked with marble, granite, optical glass, wood, bronze, and mixed media. His paintings are powerful, masterfully textured, and engagingly thought-provoking.
Winslow melds his sculptural and painting talents with his interpretation of Jungian archetypes. Evident in his paintings and sculptures is the inspiration he draws from pre-Columbian art, influenced by his many trips to Mexico.

Although Winslow works in different media, and usually simultaneously, the medium does not drive his work; it is the art that moves his work. Or, in his own words, "The medium is not the art. "Art inspires the medium".
His works include landscapes, abstract, figurative, and conceptual subjects. His sculptures are in many corporate and private collections across the country and overseas, including Helene Curtis Corporation, The Chicago Board Options Exchange, GATX, Siemens, Loyola University in Chicago, Scottsdale Center for the Arts in Scottsdale, AZ., Big Sky Town Center, Montana, Lizzadro Lapidary Museum, and the Los Angeles Museum of Modern Art.

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Olio su Tela | 59,8x48 in
8.013 USD
Grafite su Carta | 40,2x28,7 in
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Olio su Legno | 72,1x48 in
9.301 USD
Grafite su Carta | 40,2x28,7 in
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