Feuertanz (2014) Painting by Renate Kock

Acrylic on Canvas, 19.7x19.7 in
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Seller Renate Kock

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 19.7in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Abstract Abstract
The image in the image is surrounded by a yellow frame. You can see a belly dancer gracefully stretching her arms in the air and turning her head to the side. The long black hair flows over the naked upper body. The focus is on the belly button. A red cloth leaves the hips exposed and fallls into folds. The outer ends fly up and show the rapid movement[...]
The image in the image is surrounded by a yellow frame. You can see a belly dancer gracefully stretching her arms in the air and turning her head to the side. The long black hair flows over the naked upper body. The focus is on the belly button. A red cloth leaves the hips exposed and fallls into folds. The outer ends fly up and show the rapid movement of the dance. In the background you can see light blue blinds that hide a door. Brown tones suggest a palisade wall and floor. The outer frame shows shades of pink, brown and black with structural paste on a yellow background. The bottomend is formed by four rectangles in metallic gold, brown and metallic turquoise.

Related themes

Belly DancerBellx ButtonRed ClothImage In The ImagePink

Automatically translated
"Born in Celle, Renate Kock-Skowron graduated from high school in 1974 and began studying in Göttingen with the aim of becoming a primary and secondary school teacher. Among other things, art was one of her[...]

"Born in Celle, Renate Kock-Skowron graduated from high school in 1974 and began studying in Göttingen with the aim of becoming a primary and secondary school teacher. Among other things, art was one of her subjects. Here she was able to give her passion for painting space The teacher, who has been working at the Hahle elementary school since 1994, has primarily dedicated herself to representational oil painting.
After various stays in El Salvador/Central America, Göttingen, Loccum and El Paso/Texas, USA, Mrs. Kock-Skowron comes to Stade. The mother of two adult children has also devoted herself to abstract painting for some time. She often finds her motifs on vacation trips. The artist traces impressions that were collected there in her pictures. Renate Kock-Skowron has already presented her pictures in various exhibitions in the Elbe Klinikum, in the administrative court, in the start-up and innovation center, in Stade's bookshops and cafés and in the foyer of the new Stade town hall."

See more from Renate Kock

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