Lily and pyramid. (1996) Painting by Refat Mamutov

Oil on Canvas, 31.5x39.4 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
This picture is painted with oil paints on canvas. The author was inspired to create a love of form and painting. At the moment the picture is stretched on wooden stretcher. When sending pictures to the customer it is removed from its stretcher and rolled into a coil colorful side out as required by the technology of storage and transportation of works[...]
This picture is painted with oil paints on canvas. The author was inspired to create a love of form and painting. At the moment the picture is stretched on wooden stretcher. When sending pictures to the customer it is removed from its stretcher and rolled into a coil colorful side out as required by the technology of storage and transportation of works of art. And durable the tube is sent to the customer. Weight is only the canvas with the painting and packaging.

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Refat Mamutov graduated from the Nizhny Tagil state pedagogical institute's art and graphic department in 1990. Il s'attache à la précision des formes picturales minimales. He strive for[...]

Refat Mamutov graduated from the Nizhny Tagil state pedagogical institute's art and graphic department in 1990. Il s'attache à la précision des formes picturales minimales. He strive for precision of minimal pictorial forms. These tasks are often accompanied by work with color, texture, and the general structure of the painting surface

Art is a way for him to explore the depths of his psyche. For him, art is a means of getting to know both himself and the rest of the universe. Truth can only be discovered through creative means for him. Russian and European art traditions, his national roots (he is a Crimean Tatar), and the ethnic characteristics of his birthplace (Uzbekistan) are all evident in his work. 

Refat Mamutov was born on January 21, 1966, in Andijan, Uzbekistan, Refat Mamutov is an Uzbek artist. He is based in Nizhny Tagil and is employed there. Since 2001, he has been a member of the Russian Union of Artists. His work has won numerous awards, including the International photo contest Monochrome Photography Award 2015 and the International award, Russia. Ipa Russia

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