Eidechsenmädchen (2017) Digital Arts by Rea Schenk

Fine art paper, 8x8 in

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  1500 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1500x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Right of reselling No
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
Products intended for sale No
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Digital Arts, Giclée Print / Digital Print on Glass
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Categories Digital Arts under $20,000 Pop Art
Es saß am Straßenrand, das kleine Eidechsenmädchen. PLEASE ALWALYS LOOK AT THE ENLAGED VIEW TO SEE THE SPECIAL EFFECTS. THANK YOU. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles [...]
Es saß am Straßenrand, das kleine Eidechsenmädchen.


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Reas ART 生き#甲斐 cadcontent - computer aided design Digital Artist / Photographer / Engineer - Berlin based Contemporary art - unique, limited edition and art prints[...]


cadcontent - computer aided design

Digital Artist / Photographer / Engineer -

Berlin based

Contemporary art - unique, limited edition and art prints available


For Rea Schenk, art is a way of dealing with the unspeakable . An opportunity to question common categories and appropriately re-establish them. As an engineer, she is a career changer in the art scene. Certainly not by chance and for various reasons, she has found digital art to be the right thing for her at the moment, but is increasingly experimenting in combination with traditional techniques. For them, technology is not a narcissistic violation of their boundaries, but rather an extension and help to express what other languages ​​do not allow. Original photographs change, are sometimes discarded, rearranged, processed using very different techniques and, increasingly, completely painted over. Rea chooses the path that always wants something more, looks for something in between. Who seeks to capture the atmospheric, what cannot be said.


Woman, artist and technician, born in Berlin in 1969. Graphic design was my passion early on, but I didn't have the courage for a long time. In addition to graphic work for small museums, clubs, musicians and small agencies, the path initially went into technology. As an engineer, I returned to CAD and my passion through technical drawing and photography.


black and white, modern, abstract, magenta, deep, overflowing, harmonious , philosophical, geometric, oblique, textured, effervescent, different, ineffable, monochrome, quiet, green, digital, blue, grateful, lively, transparent, visual, concrete, amorphous, turquoise, different, wordless, creative, chaotic, loud, contemporary , psychological, experimental, figurative, courageous, asymmetrical, cheerful, impressive.


Illusion, pixels, pop art, abstract, logos, hope, CAD, premonition, urban art , vectors, print, hydra, collage, fine art, photography, unspeakable, form, culture, computer art, color, graffiti, technology, luck, design, symbolism, Berlin, maximalism, unique.

See more from Rea Schenk

View all artworks
Digital Arts | 43.3x55.1 in
On Request
Printmaking on Glass | 23.6x23.6 in
On Request
Photography | 31.5x43.3 in
2D Digital Work on Paper | 31.5x43.3 in


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