Op.469 MMXIX (2019) Painting by Rafferoico

Oil on Canvas, 31.5x31.5 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 31.5in, Width 31.5in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Figurative Music
"A research influenced by Renaissance and Baroque art, in perfect balance in the dialogue between classical, digital and contemporary art harmonizing the austerity of classical and formal innovation of modernism, declining it with extreme skill towards the contemporary horizon" visual research figurative expressionism balance original[...]
"A research influenced by Renaissance and Baroque art, in perfect balance in the dialogue between classical, digital and contemporary art harmonizing the austerity of classical and formal innovation of modernism, declining it with extreme skill towards the contemporary horizon"
visual research figurative expressionism balance original composition photographic approach figurative insight reinventing tradition classical dialogue austere composition visual intuition baroque influence energetic disenchanted painting as a 6x6 former photographer never painted twice the same visual glamour luxury mind passion intuition visuelle reinventing modernism exploring visual art as an endless sensual adventure flute, playing flute, music.

Related themes

MusicFluteBaroque InfluenceIntuition VisuelleClassical Dialogue

Automatically translated
Rafferoico (Raffaello Eroico) is as a contemporary Italian artist based in France. His affinity for drawing emerged during his childhood, leading him to make a pivotal decision[...]

Rafferoico (Raffaello Eroico) is as a contemporary Italian artist based in France. His affinity for drawing emerged during his childhood, leading him to make a pivotal decision at the age of 15 - to leave school and embark on a career as a graphic designer. This early choice set the stage for a multifaceted artistic exploration that would later extend into photography and, ultimately, painting.

At the age of 18, Rafferoico enlisted in the Air Force, assuming the role of a photographer. This experience became a crucible for his understanding of the photographic language, heavily influenced by luminaries such as the American "f64" group, including artists like Ansel Adams and Edward Weston, and later by Ugo Mulas and his groundbreaking "Verifications." This phase of his career marked a profound engagement with the potential of visual arts, traversing the realms of digital photography, graphics, and design.

Following an extensive reflection on his artistic trajectory, Rafferoico made the significant decision to shift his professional focus to painting, which gradually evolved into his preferred mode of expression. His exploratory approach, honed through years of diverse artistic endeavors, remains a defining feature of his pictorial work. Since 2004, he has been heavily influenced by Baroque art, and his oeuvre reflects a constant quest for balance between classical art, digital art, and contemporary art.

In Rafferoico's figurative creations, matter assumes a central role. He adeptly harmonizes the austerity of classical aesthetics with the formal innovations of modernism, producing results that undeniably resonate with the contemporary art landscape. His work has found a place in various private collections, attesting to its broad appeal, and has been showcased in solo and group exhibitions across France, Italy, and China.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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