"Alhama de Granada". Rafael Gurrea Sánchez (1939-2001) (1977) Painting by Rafael Gurrea Sánchez

Watercolor on Paper, 9.8x13.8 in
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Seller Rafael Gurrea Sánchez

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Watercolor on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 9.8in, Width 13.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Impressionism City
Rafael Gurrea Sánchez, acuarelista, ilustrador y profesional de las artes gráficas, es natural de Vitoria, donde nace en 1939. Fallece el 17 de marzo de 2001 en Granada, su ciudad de adopción. Realizó estudios de dibujo en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios. Amplió su formación pictórica en Menorca y Valencia. Durante una etapa de su vida trabajó[...]
Rafael Gurrea Sánchez, acuarelista, ilustrador y profesional de las artes gráficas, es natural de Vitoria, donde nace en 1939. Fallece el 17 de marzo de 2001 en Granada, su ciudad de adopción.

Realizó estudios de dibujo en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios. Amplió su formación pictórica en Menorca y Valencia. Durante una etapa de su vida trabajó para la empresa Fournier. A finales de la década de los cincuenta viaja a Francia, afincándose a principios de los sesenta en Alemania. En 1966 aparece instalado en Tenerife. Milita en la Agrupación de Acuarelistas Canarios. Cosecha por entonces varios premios diseñando carteles sobre los carnavales de la isla.

En 1976 se establece definitivamente en Granada, pero no se desvincula de su ciudad natal. Frecuenta en reiteradas ocasiones la galería Artelarre de Ramón Campo Cortázar en la Cuesta de San Francisco, resultando asidua su presencia como acuarelista en las colectivas anuales que organizaba este espacio expositivo durante las fiestas de La Blanca y en Navidades. Entre sus numerosos galardones bajo la especialidad de la pintura al agua, sobresale la Segunda Medalla Nacional en el Salón de Otoño de Madrid, en la edición de 1985. Además de en Vitoria, Tenerife y Granada, ha expuesto en Mallorca y Madrid, así como en otras numerosas localidades andaluzas (Jaén, Úbeda, Córdoba, Antequera, Almería...). También en Alemania, concretamente en Mannheim, en Baden-Wurtenberg, y en la capital bávara de Múnich.

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Rafael Gurrea Sánchez (1932-2001) was a Spanish watercolorist, illustrator, and graphic arts professional whose artistic journey spanned several decades. Born in Vitoria,[...]

Rafael Gurrea Sánchez (1932-2001) was a Spanish watercolorist, illustrator, and graphic arts professional whose artistic journey spanned several decades. Born in Vitoria, Spain, he immersed himself in the world of art by studying drawing at the School of Arts and Crafts. Gurrea further honed his skills in Menorca and Valencia, expanding his expertise in the realm of pictorial expression.

During a phase of his life, Gurrea worked for the Fournier company, showcasing his proficiency in graphic arts. In the late 1950s, he embarked on a journey to France, eventually settling in Germany in the early 1960s. By 1966, he established himself in Tenerife, becoming a member of the Canary Islands Watercolorists Group. His contributions to the art scene were marked by accolades, particularly for his poster designs capturing the essence of the island's carnivals.

In 1976, Gurrea made Granada his permanent residence while maintaining connections with his hometown. He frequented Ramón Campo Cortázar's Artelarre gallery and participated in annual collectives during festive occasions. His artistic pursuits extended to various regions, with exhibitions in Vitoria, Tenerife, Granada, Mallorca, Madrid, and several Andalusian towns.

Gurrea's extensive travels across Europe and Spain found expression in his paintings, predominantly focused on landscapes. As a watercolorist, he was acclaimed for the harmonious and balanced compositions that characterized his scenes. Recognized for his fine draftsmanship, Gurrea garnered awards, including the Second National Medal at the Madrid Autumn Salon in 1985.

His artistic legacy persists through numerous exhibitions, both in Spain and Germany, leaving behind a body of work that reflects the beauty and diversity he witnessed throughout his extensive travels. One of his final exhibitions took place in Vitoria in 2000, solidifying his place among watercolor artists in the Basque region. Rafael Gurrea Sánchez's contributions continue to be celebrated for their aesthetic quality and evocative depictions of the landscapes he encountered.

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