UP II (2023) Pittura da Rita Pranca

Acrilico su Tela, 31,5x31,5 in
2.016,25 USD
Prezzo: Spedizione gratuita

Venditore Rita Pranca
Recensioni dei clienti (7)
Spedito da: Lettonia (Imballaggio in scatola o cartone) Spedito entro 2 giorni
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Questa stampa è disponibile in diverse dimensioni.

27,23 USD
46,83 USD
101,29 USD
Recensioni dei clienti Eccellente
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Venditore Rita Pranca

Lavoro singolo
Opera firmata dall'artista
Certificato di autenticità incluso
Pronto da appendere
Montato su Telaio per barella in legno
In this vibrant painting, UP II, a naked man is depicted from behind, his muscular form illuminated by the artist's bold strokes of color. Positioned at a tourniquet, his arms are outstretched, pushing himself upward with determination. The vibrant hues dance across the canvas, evoking a sense of energy and vitality as the figure strives to ascend.[...]
In this vibrant painting, UP II, a naked man is depicted from behind, his muscular form illuminated by the artist's bold strokes of color. Positioned at a tourniquet, his arms are outstretched, pushing himself upward with determination. The vibrant hues dance across the canvas, evoking a sense of energy and vitality as the figure strives to ascend. Each brushstroke captures the raw power and physicality of the man's exertion, inviting the viewer to contemplate themes of strength, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of progress.

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Residing in the Latvian countryside, nestled amidst forests and untamed fields, my journey as an artist commenced at the age of 18 when I resolved to pursue studies at the Latvian Academy of Fine Arts. Over[...]

Residing in the Latvian countryside, nestled amidst forests and untamed fields, my journey as an artist commenced at the age of 18 when I resolved to pursue studies at the Latvian Academy of Fine Arts. Over the course of six years, I immersed myself in painting and drawing courses, dedicating myself to the exploration of figurative art.

By the age of 24, I began showcasing my work in exhibitions, primarily featuring large-scale figurative paintings. Central to my artistic expression became the conveyance of my emotions regarding the natural surroundings through the human form, predominantly focusing on the female body. This introspective journey into my own psyche found manifestation in my artistry.

While I frequently engaged in plein air painting, I often perceived the essence of a place through anthropomorphic visualizations.

In later years, one of my projects culminated in a series of paintings inspired by classical mythology. It served as a rebuttal to the prevalent depiction of nude female figures in art, instead opting to portray the male form in its vulnerability. My subjects included Icarus, Narcissus, St. Sebastian, and others.

My artistic repertoire now encompasses a diverse array of themes, ranging from landscapes and interiors to animal studies. What continues to captivate me as an artist is the beauty of nature and its myriad hues. I perceive the delicate beauty inherent in each moment and am occasionally inclined to halt the passage of time. Through the medium of color, I articulate my unique perspective and the evolution of my emotions.

Transitioning to a simpler lifestyle upon moving to the countryside has provided me with an abundance of visual stimuli, which I translate into my artwork.

Celebrating two decades as a painter, I firmly believe that the most compelling theme for art in the 21st century remains the inner life of the artist's persona. It is the personal emotions and the artist's distinctive perception of the world that render each piece of art singular and irreplicable.

In 2023, I attained a Master's degree in Fine Arts with a focus on ceramics from the Latvian Academy of Arts. Presently, I am engaged in ceramics, sculpture, and installations, while also being an active member of the "Corporation of Riga Professional Artists."

Vedere più a proposito di Rita Pranca

Visualizzare tutte le opere
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3.601,48 USD
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3.989,18 USD
Acrilico su Tela | 31,5x31,5 in
2.016,25 USD
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