White Architecture (1991) Photography by Pier Maulini

Photography, 35x23.2 in
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This artwork appears in 1 collections
In un arido paesaggio estivo della campagna spagnola, tutto era mescolato: pietre, erba, architettura. Ho fotografato con una pellicola a infrarossi per unire gli elementi. Stampa FineArt b/nero su carta Hahnemuhle. In a dry summer landscape in the Spanish countryside, everything was mixed: stones, grass, architecture. I photographed with[...]
In un arido paesaggio estivo della campagna spagnola, tutto era mescolato: pietre, erba, architettura. Ho fotografato con una pellicola a infrarossi per unire gli elementi.
Stampa FineArt b/nero su carta Hahnemuhle.
In a dry summer landscape in the Spanish countryside, everything was mixed: stones, grass, architecture. I photographed with an infrared film to force the elements together

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Since 1984, Pier Maulini has worked as a professional photographer. He photographs by combining various backgrounds, people, architectural, and industrial objects to create distinctive images that glisten with[...]

Since 1984, Pier Maulini has worked as a professional photographer. He photographs by combining various backgrounds, people, architectural, and industrial objects to create distinctive images that glisten with 'reflected splendor.'

If the research and control of the 'field of light' is the primary source of a photographic image, the end result is essentially a replication of a specific object inside its luminous surroundings. With a few exceptions, such as the setting sun against a landscape in the background, the bright element into which our world is entirely immersed is the fundamental ingredient, and it naturally vanishes as soon as consciousness comes, as it does with things we have to lose before enjoying them. As though it were water for caught fish. He never lost the light, but he did manage to reclaim it.

Pier Maulini is an artist from Italy. He began his career by taking images for realistic reportages that were featured in the Italian magazine «Scienza & Vita Nuova». During the following years (1989-1992), he devoted himself to socio-political reportages commissioned by Prisma PhotoPress, Gamma Paris, and Contrasto. He also began working in advertising during those years, making brochures, ad campaigns, and industrial monographs. Since 1998, he has been experimenting with portrait photography (primarily of athletes, athletes, and artists) and architectural photography. His photography has won numerous accolades, including the Italian Sport Shoot Awards in Milano, Italy in 2013 and 2015, as well as the Interbike Awards for Best Product Photography in New York, USA in 2000.

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