Nidhogg Painting by Philippe Casaubon

Oil on Paper, 13x19.7 in
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Seller Philippe Casaubon

Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
  • Original Artwork Painting, Oil on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 13in, Width 19.7in
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Abstract
Se rappeler qu'un tableau, avant d'être un cheval de bataille, une femme nue, ou une quelconque anecdote, est essentiellement une surface plane recouverte de couleurs en un certain ordre assemblées. Maurice Denis About this artwork: Classification,[...]
Se rappeler qu'un tableau, avant d'être un cheval de bataille, une femme nue, ou une quelconque anecdote, est essentiellement une surface plane recouverte de couleurs en un certain ordre assemblées.
Maurice Denis

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Philippe Casaubon, a French painter born in Saint-Brieuc in 1952, currently resides in Bagnolet, France, where he passionately pursues his artistic endeavors. Throughout his life,[...]

Philippe Casaubon, a French painter born in Saint-Brieuc in 1952, currently resides in Bagnolet, France, where he passionately pursues his artistic endeavors. Throughout his life, the realm of imagery has been a constant companion, guiding his personal and professional trajectory, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Casaubon's journey through academia, where he studied Advertising and Graphic Arts, and his subsequent professional roles, including Video production, Model Designing, and Acting, have been marked by an innate affinity for visual expression. The power of the image has consistently influenced his choices and creative paths, shaping his evolution as an artist.

In recent years, Casaubon's artistic exploration has led him towards abstraction, a trajectory that has solidified under the mentorship of Jean-Yves Guionet. Guided by Guionet's teachings, Casaubon has embraced abstraction as his primary mode of artistic expression.

Casaubon primarily works on paper using oil paints, often utilizing 300g/m2 canvas as his preferred substrate. He employs a variety of preparatory techniques, including caparol, acrylic, gouache, and watercolor, to enhance the texture and depth of his compositions.

An ethos of sustainability underpins Casaubon's artistic practice, as he frequently recycles his own works by repurposing and reworking them. This process of transformation ensures that nothing is wasted, with each piece contributing to the evolution of his artistic vision.

Casaubon's artistic journey has been enriched by his participation in various workshops, including those led by Vigilio Jattosti, Bruno Mathon, and Jean-Yves Guionet. It was under Guionet's tutelage that Casaubon found his distinctive style and original voice, with Guionet serving as both a mentor and a catalyst for the development of his palette.

Affiliated with the Maison des Artistes (MDA), Casaubon is recognized within the artistic community for his innovative approach to abstraction and his commitment to sustainable artistic practices. Through his work, he invites viewers to engage with the evocative power of imagery, inviting them into a world of vibrant colors, dynamic textures, and boundless creativity.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

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