Poster 50 (2007) Drawing by Philipp Rukavishnikov

Ink on Paper, 39.4x27.6 in
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Seller Philipp Rukavishnikov

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Seller Philipp Rukavishnikov

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
Poster from the cycle "The Posters: 2001 - 2022". All cycle includes about 2000 works Each hand-painted artwork was made on paper 100x70 cm, mixed media (acrylic, gouache, pencils, ink). The idea of cycle briefly is a kind of ironic resurrection of good old items of eighties of previous century - picture that bares name of a famous[...]
Poster from the cycle "The Posters: 2001 - 2022". All cycle includes about 2000 works
Each hand-painted artwork was made on paper 100x70 cm, mixed media (acrylic, gouache, pencils, ink).
The idea of cycle briefly is a kind of ironic resurrection of good old items of eighties of previous century - picture that bares name of a famous band or artist which could be hung on a wall.

About artist’s signature in this cycle (Swansong or Mikha Benks):

Melo-maniacs of a specific sort know that surname Swansong contains obvious contaminations - Swans were my obsession for a long time,i made many posters dedicated to their albums and songs. Than there is a beatiful track Sing Swan Song in a fabulous record Ege Bamyasi of divine band Can - so i sort of “sang” that “song for rather a time - but lately changed my aka and chose Mikha Benks - that refers a bit ironically to when i was eight and leaded a role of Michael Banks in than soviet movie Mary Poppins Is Back

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Philipp Rukavishnikov is a contemporary Russian award-winning artist. Rukavishnikov is the sixth author in a dynasty of artists, so he was completely prepared for a career as a[...]

Philipp Rukavishnikov is a contemporary Russian award-winning artist. Rukavishnikov is the sixth author in a dynasty of artists, so he was completely prepared for a career as a sculptor.

Rukavishnikov became the author of notable sculptures in the urban ensembles of Moscow: Series of monuments for Russian sportsmen for Moscow, Series of memorial plaques for Moscow, Series of park sculptures for Moscow gardens. His creative assets also include monuments in other countries: Dostoevsky monument (Lima, Peru), Dostoevsky monument (Dresden, Germany), Nabokov monument (Montreux, Switzerland).

Philipp Rukavishnikov was born in 1974, in Russia, where he graduated from Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. He is a member of the Russian Academy of Art. Rukavishnikov exhibited in Russia, Sweden, France, Indonesia, Slovakia, Netherlands, and his works were in permanent collections in galleries in New York, Moscow, Amsterdam and Brussels. 

See more from Philipp Rukavishnikov

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Sculpture - Bronze | 11.8x8.7 in
Acrylic on Paper | 39.4x27.6 in
Acrylic on Paper | 39.4x27.6 in
Ink on Paper | 39.4x27.6 in


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