Simplizität (2024) Painting by Peter Kilb

Acrylic on Paper, 25.2x19.7 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 25.2in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Nature
All meine Bilder entstehen intuitiv, das heißt ich habe weder eine konkrete Idee, an der ich mich orientiere noch eine Vorlage oder ähnliches. Ich fange ein Bild an und entscheide nach jedem Pinselstrich den nächsten usw. Allerdings muß ich sagen, das mich meine Bilder oft an Natureindrücke und verblassste bzw. zersetzte Oberflächen von etwa alten[...]
All meine Bilder entstehen intuitiv, das heißt ich habe weder eine konkrete Idee, an der ich mich orientiere noch eine Vorlage oder ähnliches. Ich fange ein Bild an und entscheide nach jedem Pinselstrich den nächsten usw. Allerdings muß ich sagen, das mich meine Bilder oft an Natureindrücke und verblassste bzw. zersetzte Oberflächen von etwa alten Gebäuden, Straßen etc. erinnern.
Für das Auftragen der Farben benutze ich stets unterschiedliche Hilfsmittel. Also Pinsel, Spachtel, Finger etc.
Meist sind die Bilder in unterschiedlichen Schichten entstanden. Ich liebe farbenfrohe Bilder, mag aber auch sehr reduzierte Malereien.

Ich male auf einem Karton, der speziell für Acrylmalerei entwickelt wurde. Er ist säurefrei, farbecht und sehr licht-und alterungsbeständig.

Die Bilder sehen sehr schön mit einem schmalen weißen oder grauen Rahmen aus. Ohne Verglasung.

Related themes

Abstrakte KunstAbstract ArtPaintingsColorAcrylic

Automatically translated
Peter Kilb is a contemporary German artist whose journey into the world of painting followed a successful career of over 20 years as a fashion and portrait photographer. His transition[...]

Peter Kilb is a contemporary German artist whose journey into the world of painting followed a successful career of over 20 years as a fashion and portrait photographer. His transition from photography to painting began with experimenting in abstract acrylics, driven by his enduring fascination with images and creativity.

Even during his photography career, Kilb engaged in various creative photo projects that involved different materials and digital alterations. His longstanding interest in visual art traces back to his childhood, when he loved visiting museums and exhibitions. The vibrant art scenes in Hamburg and Berlin significantly influenced his creative development.

Kilb's artistic process is characterized by a love for experimentation and constant change. He often leaves his paintings to rest for days, working on several pieces simultaneously until he feels they are complete. This method allows him to refine and perfect each artwork over time.

Nature serves as a major source of inspiration for Kilb. He finds particular allure in the elements of water, clouds, and the textures of old buildings. These natural and urban landscapes inform the themes and moods of his paintings.

Color plays a central role in Kilb's work, embodying life and energy. He believes that every color and combination of colors carries its own meaning and power. Through his vibrant palette, he aims to convey strength and vitality, hoping to imbue his audience with the same sense of energy and passion that he experiences in his creative process.

See more from Peter Kilb

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Acrylic on Paper | 25.2x19.7 in
Acrylic on Paper | 25.2x19.7 in
Acrylic on Paper | 25.2x19.7 in
Acrylic on Paper | 25.2x19.7 in


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