Le soleil se lève au lac Majeur Photography by Paulo Viana

Photography, 15.8x23.6 in
Price: Free Shipping
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Ready to hang
Photographie de Paulo Viana. Tirage couleur sur papier canson 310 grammes satiné collé sur Dibond. Tirages limités à 15 exemplaires, numérotés et signés. Autres dimensions et supports possibles sur demande. About this artwork: Classification,[...]
Photographie de Paulo Viana.

Tirage couleur sur papier canson 310 grammes satiné collé sur Dibond.
Tirages limités à 15 exemplaires, numérotés et signés.
Autres dimensions et supports possibles sur demande.
Automatically translated
Artist represented by Galerie ART2REVE
Paulo Viana has been an artist passionate about photography for over 20 years. He has invested himself in recent years in landscape photography. Even if he has a preference for black and white, he[...]

Paulo Viana has been an artist passionate about photography for over 20 years. He has invested himself in recent years in landscape photography. Even if he has a preference for black and white, he also likes to exploit the colors of the beginning or end of the day, when the light is softer, around the golden hour or the blue hour.

Through his photos, he offers his travel memories, from the Dolomites to Guyana via the Vosges. "I'm looking for atmospheres, I particularly appreciate tormented skies, from which a real strength emerges". He also likes to photograph Saverne, his adopted city; its castle and its surroundings, and always at the blue hour.

See more from Paulo Viana

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Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
Photography | 15.8x23.6 in


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