Die Spaltung (2022) Sculpture by Paul Bán

Sculpture - Plastic, 20.1x12.6 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Sculpture, Plastic / Wood / Metals on Wood
  • Dimensions Height 20.1in, Width 12.6in / 6.00 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $5,000 Abstract Politics
Die Skulptur stellt die Spaltung der Gesellschaft dar. Die Gesellschaft spaltet sich nicht nur horizontal in Armut und Reichtum, sondern auch vertikal in die Interessengebundenheit gleichgestellter Kreise. Diese ordnen sich im Raster der Marktgesetze an, mit zentraler Bedeutung des finanziellen Erfolgs.
Die Skulptur stellt die Spaltung der Gesellschaft dar.
Die Gesellschaft spaltet sich nicht nur horizontal in Armut und Reichtum, sondern auch vertikal in die Interessengebundenheit gleichgestellter Kreise. Diese ordnen sich im Raster der Marktgesetze an, mit zentraler Bedeutung des finanziellen Erfolgs.
Automatically translated
Paul Bán, a contemporary Austrian sculptor, embarked on his artistic journey studying painting under the tutelage of Prof. Christian Andersen at the Academy of Fine Arts[...]

Paul Bán, a contemporary Austrian sculptor, embarked on his artistic journey studying painting under the tutelage of Prof. Christian Andersen at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. While Andersen played a pivotal role as his instructor, the sculptor Fritz Wotruba and his theoretical framework also exerted significant influence, particularly as initiators of the presentation of artistic problems.

With over 60 years of professional experience as a freelance interior designer, architect, and designer, Bán has recently turned his attention to sculpture, using this medium as a means to address various social issues. In his own workshop, he crafts sculptures that serve as poignant statements, challenging viewers to reconsider their perspectives on pressing social dilemmas.

Each sculpture created by Bán serves as a powerful commentary on the multitude of unsolved social challenges, expressing his profound sense of outrage toward prevailing circumstances. Through his art, Bán endeavors to provoke contemplation and dialogue, urging society to confront and address these pressing issues with greater urgency and empathy.

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Not For Sale


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