Love and inspiration (2021) Painting by Oksana Todorova

Oil on Linen Canvas, 27.6x35.4 in
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Seller Oksana Todorova

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Max resolution: 3435 x 2650 px
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Seller Oksana Todorova

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil / Lacquer on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 27.6in, Width 35.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative Love
Одного мужчину на дороге спросили из проезжающего автомобиля: – Как проехать в какую-то дальнюю деревню? Дорожный почесал затылок и ответил: – Да, я знаю где это село находится, но будь я на вашем месте, я бы начинал с другого места… Иногда нам кажется, что существует только один «правильный» путь к цели. Но их множество,[...]
Одного мужчину на дороге спросили из проезжающего автомобиля:
– Как проехать в какую-то дальнюю деревню?
Дорожный почесал затылок и ответил:
– Да, я знаю где это село находится, но будь я на вашем месте, я бы начинал с другого места…

Иногда нам кажется, что существует только один «правильный» путь к цели. Но их множество, потому не нужно ждать особых условий. Начинать можно здесь и сейчас. Главное – слушать свое сердце и действовать.

Задайте вопрос, который сейчас больше всего вас волнует. Посмотрите на эту картину и поищите подсказки. Возможно, ответ скрывается в названиях книг или символах светлого праздника Пасхи, которые изображены на столе. А возможно, ответ зашифрован в названии картины. Поищите ее изображение возле букетиков из роз. Ответ станет первым шагом к достижению вашей цели.

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Oksana Todorova, a contemporary Ukrainian painter, has carved out a distinctive niche in the realm of art with her unique style of fairy tales. Rooted in universal values such as[...]

Oksana Todorova, a contemporary Ukrainian painter, has carved out a distinctive niche in the realm of art with her unique style of fairy tales. Rooted in universal values such as family, love, and friendship, Todorova's paintings serve as a reflection of maternal tenderness, familial bonds, and an enduring curiosity about the world. Despite the enchanting narratives woven into her canvases, the artist skillfully addresses real social events, often shedding light on the deterioration of relationships between parents and children and the broader decline in human connections.

Todorova draws inspiration from the legacies of globally renowned artists and channels her creativity into educational projects. In 2021, she authored the book "Muse, Manager or Tyrant," exploring the influence of women on the lives and fame of ten great creators worldwide. This project allowed her to paint a harmonious fusion of legendary masterpieces, offering a fresh perspective on familiar subjects and infusing them with a modern aesthetic. Through this innovative approach, figures like Gustav Klimt, Alphonse Mucha, Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Salvador Dali, and others are portrayed from new angles, creating a connection with the past that fortifies present roots and fosters a serene outlook on the future.

Todorova's captivating paintings not only capture attention but also ground viewers in the fabric of everyday reality. Beyond her artistic endeavors, she engages in various social activities, serving as an illustrator for children's books that stimulate creative minds and as an author of books for both children and parents, such as 'The Kitten Lesik, who Dreamed of Flying,' 'Seven Magic Feathers for Lesik,' 'Odessa Inspires,' and 'Journey from Lesik to Odessa.' These works contribute to the development of family traditions and values.

While emphasizing the significance of family as the crucible of a happy and prosperous life, Todorova extends her influence beyond her home. Actively participating in social events, she promotes her ideas and unites like-minded individuals around new projects. The openings of her exhibitions become noteworthy events in Ukraine and abroad, illustrating her commitment to sharing her vision and values.

In the span from 2008 to 2022, Todorova has painted over 800 artworks, showcasing her talent in 15 exhibitions. Her prolific output and diverse engagements underscore her commitment to both artistic expression and the positive impact of creativity on society.

See more from Oksana Todorova

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Lacquer on Linen Canvas | 19.7x15.8 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 27.6x27.6 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 31.5x23.6 in
Oil on Linen Canvas | 35.4x27.6 in


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