Une lierre offrant des fruits - An ivy offering fruits (2021) Photography by Odilon Talbot

Fine art paper, 8x11 in

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  1125 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1125x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Right of reselling No
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
Products intended for sale No
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Photography, Giclée Print / Digital Print
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Categories Conceptual Art Nature
Une lierre offrant des fruits An ivy offering fruit About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Photography [...]
Une lierre offrant des fruits
An ivy offering fruit

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European University Editions Related subjects: writing, publication, distribution of five works: History of a life and its adventures History of a life and its periods, Collection of[...]

European University Editions

Related subjects: writing, publication, distribution of five works:

History of a life and its adventures

History of a life and its periods,

Collection of personal paintings,

My texts in several languages, French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese,

My texts in several languages, Volume II and Volume III

Books available at Morebooks.de, Abe Books, Amazon, ... on Google under the name of Odilon Talbot

Interview at TVRS: E19-LARA-072-04 on Vimeo

Related materials: visual presentation of my personal journey and artistic works.

-Interview at the Union of Writers of Quebec by the general director with a view to the election of an administrator position:

Member of the Union of Writers and Writers writers from Quebec, Montérégie Culture, Conseil des Arts du Québec et du Canada, Sodec, Copibec, FMC ...

Related matters: presentation of my points of view relating to the management of the profession < /p>

Odilon Talbot You Tube channel including more than 140 videos in five languages ​​reaching people in 25 countries

See more from Odilon Talbot

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Collages on Wood | 31.5x22.4 in
Textile Art on Wood | 23x46 in
Collages on Wood | 24x24 in
Sculpture - Wood | 3.5x5.1 in


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