Renaissance Painting by Rivka

Acrylic on Canvas, 35.4x35.4 in
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Seller Rivka
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Seller Rivka

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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Rivka

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
Pour Tout voyage introspectif il s'en suit une renaissance. le papillon en est la symbolique About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic [...]
Pour Tout voyage introspectif il s'en suit une renaissance. le papillon en est la symbolique

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My story of openness to spirituality and to painting, to this inextricable desire to paint my emotions, my aspirations and my joy. Before starting, I would ask you to open your mind, your perceptions,[...]

My story of openness to spirituality and to painting, to this inextricable desire to paint my emotions, my aspirations and my joy.
Before starting, I would ask you to open your mind, your perceptions, to let go of your mind. So, let yourself be carried by your heart and your feelings. Forget all received ideas, trust your imagination, believe in it, take with me the path of the magic of life.
It all really begins with an unexpected meeting that overwhelmed me, this meeting had been announced to me years before. This one was very furtive which generated in me a total incomprehension: “Why I did not live my Life?”. From this experience, I set out in search of truth.
It was then that a bulimia of knowledge set in, I watched videos, articles... I spent whole hours listening to everything that was published while trusting myself as to the choice of subjects and speakers, I let myself be guided by following my heart and my desires. Everything then took on a meaning… I learned in particular to make the difference between letting myself be influenced by my Ego rather than my heart and hearing the furtive messages that the soul sends us to put us on our way, which are also called synchronicities. , intuitions…
What were my real desires? This is a question I was asking myself for the first time. I realized that being myself was at the center of my life, I then learned to really love myself so I loved others more.
Some theories acquired, life asked me to put my knowledge into practice. Throughout this journey, I had magical encounters that instilled in me the energy necessary to develop a creativity that had been buried until then. It was with the initiations to the twelve sacred rays that I fully opened up to my divine being. At the turn of a conversation with a friend, where I confided to her my desire to express my creativity through painting, took me by the hand and took me without thinking to buy the necessary equipment to get started. From there, the angels never left me, taking on different faces and bodies according to the encounters, the joys and also the difficulties which, I finally understood, brought me the possibility of refocusing my gaze on my truth, this unique truth that there is deep within each of us and which is the ultimate bridge between oneself and others.
The more I painted the more I discovered the miracles that operated, it was incredible, suddenly new phenomena began to manifest themselves. Chills of joy, discoveries: hidden messages that I became aware of once the canvas was finished, this aestheticism, this beauty that filled me and finally put me in touch with my true essence. I surrendered completely while painting, so all my emotions were released and my energies were amplified, I healed myself by painting with my heart and communicating with my Soul

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