LAMPARITA (2010) Painting by Marcelo Novo

Acrylic on Canvas, 5x5 in
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Seller Marcelo Novo

Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 5in, Width 5in
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Surrealism Science
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Marcelo Novo, a contemporary artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina, currently lives and works in the USA, in the DC area. His artistic journey is deeply influenced by European and[...]

Marcelo Novo, a contemporary artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina, currently lives and works in the USA, in the DC area. His artistic journey is deeply influenced by European and Latin American Surrealism, a movement that delves into the profound connection between art and the inner workings of the mind, revealing hidden realms of the psyche.

In his work, Marcelo Novo employs a diverse array of recurring symbols as expressions of his life experiences. Some of these symbols are intricately tied to his Latin American cultural heritage and his profound connection to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The rich tapestry of Surrealism weaves through his creations, bringing forth a unique blend of influences that shape his artistic vision.

Marcelo Novo embarked on his artistic education at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, where he studied painting under the guidance of artist Roberto Aizemberg. Following his formative years in Argentina, Novo relocated to the USA in 1992. There, he earned a Master's degree from the University of South Carolina and further contributed to the artistic community by teaching art at Benedict College.

Novo's work has garnered recognition both nationally and internationally, with exhibitions held in galleries and museums across the USA and abroad. Notable venues include the Centro Cultural Recoleta in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Cinque Gallery in NYC, the Museum of Latin American Art in California, and the Argentine Embassy in Washington, DC. His creations have found a home in numerous esteemed collections, such as the South Carolina State Arts Collection, the Contemporary Carolinas Collection of the Medical University of SC, and the White House Christmas Ornaments Collection.

Marcelo Novo's artistic prowess has been acknowledged with multiple awards and honors, and he has received grants from the SC Arts Commission. His scholarly contributions led him to participate as a scholar-in-residence in the Faculty Resource Network Program at NYU. 

See more from Marcelo Novo

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