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Natalia Marinych

Saint Petersburg, Russia
Artist (Painting)
Born 1985

Natalia Marinych was born and raised in a creative family in Saint-Petersburg (Russia). She made her first strokes when she was 8 years old and couldn’t stop after. Marinych’s interest in the world of art was inspired by her grandmother who was a talented nature artist. Marinych remembers, “we started early and, step by step, she patiently taught me in my art education. She showed me everything I know now about beauty, sensitivity, humanity and joy. If there is no joy, I can't work at all”. ​ Marinych’s practice is based on oil finding. Through different stages of her art education the artist also tried acrylic, gouache, ink and other water-based medias, but finally she stopped on oil painting. She believes that “the strokes of oil paint create an incredible versatility and depth of colour on canvas”. ​ Natalia Marinych paints in realism and abstract styles. She doesn’t have any particular topic in her works, though nowadays there are 5 different sections in her gallery: animals & birds, flowers & plants, landscapes & sea & sky, people & portraits, still life. She explains this diversity of subjects, “I don't have any specific subject in my art and I seriously doubt I will ever settle down. There's too much out there to paint to commit to just one subject”. ​ ​ Russian artist spends her free time educating herself through reading, meditation, observation and practice. She travels a lot to learn more about the world and show this knowledge in her artworks. To remember exactly what she felt in the new country, Marinych draws pictures on spot. That is why in her luggage there is always place for small canvas and oil dyes. Marinych participates in the international competitions and exhibitions all over the world. Her artworks stay in the private collections in South Korea, The UK, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, France and Russia.

Discover contemporary artworks by Natalia Marinych, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: russian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2016 (Country of origin Russia). Buy Natalia Marinych's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Natalia Marinych. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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All artworks by Natalia Marinych

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Painting titled "Below the Breadline" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Below the Breadline - Painting, 31.5x27.6 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Men, people, portrait, man, homme, gens, figurative, contemporain, social, eyes
"Below the Breadline"

Oil on Canvas | 31.5x27.6 in

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Painting titled "Iceberg" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Iceberg - Painting, 27.6x39.4 in ©2015 by Natalia Marinych - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, iceberg, greenland, ice, snow, cold, freeze, north, arctic, winter, sea, ocean, seascape, sky, blue sky, blue skies, blue and white, white, oilpainting, unique work, unique artwork

Oil on Canvas | 27.6x39.4 in

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Painting titled "Freedom" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Freedom - Painting, 31.5x27.6 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, portraiture, people, woman, femme, gens, figurative art

Oil on Canvas | 31.5x27.6 in

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Painting titled "The Village" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
The Village - Painting, 17.7x23.6 in ©2014 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, landscape, lake, nature, cloudscape
"The Village"

Oil on Canvas | 17.7x23.6 in

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Painting titled "Fear" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Fear - Painting, 31.5x27.6 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, children, kids, people, gens, enfant, figurative art, figure, realism

Oil on Canvas | 31.5x27.6 in

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Painting titled "seduction.jpg" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
seduction.jpg - Painting, 31.5x27.6 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, portrait, people, woman, girl, figurative, gens, femme

Oil on Canvas | 31.5x27.6 in

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Painting titled "Belief" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Belief - Painting, 19.7x23.6 in ©2016 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, portrait, female portrait, religion, religious, religious woman, black woman, african, oil painting, female painting, bible, quran, belief, faith, natalia marinych, marinych, marinych oil painting

Oil on Canvas | 19.7x23.6 in

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Painting titled "19-destiny.jpg" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
19-destiny.jpg - Painting, 31.5x27.6 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, portrait, people, child, children, emotions, figurative, contemporary

Oil on Canvas | 31.5x27.6 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Pink sunset" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Pink sunset - Painting, 19.7x19.7 in ©2016 by Natalia Marinych - Hyperrealism, hyperrealism-612, sunset, sunrise, before sunrise, sun, sunny day, pink, clear sunset, sky, skies, clouds, cloud, cloudscape, seashore
"Pink sunset"

Oil on Canvas | 19.7x19.7 in

Not For Sale
Painting titled "Black and White Wor…" by Natalia Marinych, Original Artwork, Oil
Black and White World - Painting, 27.6x31.5 in ©2017 by Natalia Marinych - Figurative, figurative-594, artwork_cat.Kid, children
"Black and White World"

Oil on Canvas | 27.6x31.5 in

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