Croix arménienne Tétramorphe (2015) Printmaking by Nicolas Bouriot (KRB1)

Printmaking on Wood, 23.6x16.5 in
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Seller Nicolas Bouriot (KRB1)

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Printmaking, Engraving on Wood
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 16.5in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Printmaking under $500 Figurative
Pyrogravure grand modèle. Une vigne pousse sur la Croix fleurie, ses racines enserrent l'Agneau de Dieu contenu dans une coquille Saint Jacques. Deux anges présentent une couronne au-dessus de la Croix, signe de la véracité de la foi arménienne. Les quatre vivants sont organisés de telle manière que le lion et le boeuf soutiennent la Croix et[...]
Pyrogravure grand modèle. Une vigne pousse sur la Croix fleurie, ses racines enserrent l'Agneau de Dieu contenu dans une coquille Saint Jacques. Deux anges présentent une couronne au-dessus de la Croix, signe de la véracité de la foi arménienne. Les quatre vivants sont organisés de telle manière que le lion et le boeuf soutiennent la Croix et que l'homme et l'aigle chantent Sa louange.

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Automatically translated
I work with the idea in mind of being only a relay between the material that I recover (I like that a hand has already worked on the wood or the stone that I am going to sculpt) and the idea hidden within it.[...]

I work with the idea in mind of being only a relay between the material that I recover (I like that a hand has already worked on the wood or the stone that I am going to sculpt) and the idea hidden within it. I therefore strive to put touches of light on the image that imposes itself in such a burnt beam or such a broken stone. I try, like shamans and druids, to capture what sleeps in these pieces of life now abandoned.
That's why I only work by hand, in direct contact with the material, because as an autodidact, I give myself the obligation to follow her, to listen to her more than to force her, in order to let her teach me.
My encounter with Armenian art is also , quite logical: jaded with Romanesque and Celtic art because of all the druids, initiates and other Templars who roam around these symbols, I discovered thanks to an order the Armenian crosses and the khatchkars; and the more I was interested in it, the more I was delighted to finally find a truly sacred AND popular art, that is to say living. My encounter with the Armenian culture reinforced me even more in my conviction that there was a truth there as to the relationship between Art and the divine, and that the glorification of Life that is the Armenian cross is more than the symbol, the realization.

So this is my journey, at least its first lengths: what led me to sculpt and become myself, alive and happy to be.

See more from Nicolas Bouriot (KRB1)

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