Kum-Thong Ngim Profile Picture

Kum-Thong Ngim

Singapore, Singapore
Artist (Sculpture)
Born 1967

Born in 1967 in Singapore, Ngim took great delight in crafting and creating things from whatever his hands could lay hold of since age eight. His journey as an artist was arduous but his intuitive nature boosted him as he trudged along. He re-invented himself by adopting new techniques and concepts working with wood, ceramic, fiber-glass, poly-marble, copper, stainless steel, and bronze.

Fired up by his passion, he quitted his job and became a full time, self taught artist in 1995. Two years later, He met the late Brother Joseph NcMally, the founder of Lasalle SIA College of the Art. With the encouragement and support of Brother Joseph, he went back to school to do his study in art. Since his graduation from RMIT University majoring in sculpture in 2001, he has been commissioned by many organizations to conceptualize, design, fabricate and install outdoor sculptures. A sense of satisfaction and fulfillment surged through his soul upon seeing his creation taking shape every time.

Besides this, he also provides Art Enrichment Programs to many schools under the auspices of the National Art Council.

Education : RMIT University Bachelor of Fine Art
Year 2001
(Major: Sculpture)

LaSalle SIA College of the Art Diploma in Visual Fine Arts
(Major: Sculpture)

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