ALEXANDER BLOK (work from the cycle "BURDEN") (2021) Collages by Natali Shepeleva

Collages on Linen Canvas, 31.5x23.6 in
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Seller Natali Shepeleva

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Seller Natali Shepeleva

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
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This artwork appears in 2 collections
Canvas on a stretcher, linen, gallery stretch (staples at the back, canvas at the ends), there is a crossbar for strength. Acrylic, texture paste, epoxy resin. Alexander Blok, the great Russian poet. The first time Sasha fell in love at the age of 17, with a lady 22 years older than him. After graduating from high school, he[...]
Canvas on a stretcher, linen, gallery stretch (staples at the back, canvas at the ends), there is a crossbar for strength.

Acrylic, texture paste, epoxy resin.
Alexander Blok, the great Russian poet.
The first time Sasha fell in love at the age of 17, with a lady 22 years older than him. After graduating from high school, he became interested in Lyubov Mendeleeva, the eldest daughter of the chemist Dmitry Mendeleev. They were married in 1903. At the same time, the poet published his first book of poems under the title "Poems about a beautiful Lady".
"She looked like a hippopotamus that had risen on its hind legs. Eyes-slits, nose-shoe, cheeks-pillows. And the bass. And thick, big legs and arms. She was unpleasant, unfriendly... But he (Blok) has always, all his life, seen in her the girl he once fell in love with... And I loved her, " wrote Anna Akhmatova.
He was attracted to other women, she was attracted to other men.
Blok lived in difficult historical times. Blok welcomed the October Revolution of 1917, but also joined the service-he began working as an editor. I worked very hard and undermined my health. He described his condition at that time with the words "I was drunk", and also wrote that he "forgot how to write poetry and think about poetry".
Then everything changed, Blok believed that the Bolsheviks had taken away from him the inner freedom necessary for creativity. He asked for permission to go abroad for treatment.
Official documents stated that the poet died "of scurvy, hunger and exhaustion." Block was 41 years old.
In my work, Blok is young, talented, his whole life is ahead of him... He looks to the future, he is beautiful. Alexander drew a lot on the margins of his manuscripts (Sasha and Lyuba are going to make a high-society visit and the dog barks).
The color scheme of the work is made in Blok's favorite colors-blue, white and gold. And there is also ice cream in the collage-the poet's favorite delicacy)
The picture does not require additional design in a baguette, it can be immediately hung on the wall.

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Automatically translated
I was born and live in Siberia. My childhood was spent in a small mining town. In my family, all the men worked as miners.  The weather is severe and the people are serious, with a big heart, here. The[...]

I was born and live in Siberia. My childhood was spent in a small mining town. In my family, all the men worked as miners. 

The weather is severe and the people are serious, with a big heart, here. The soul that hides under the many roles, masks, and costumes we wear has wonderful virtues. From birth, we are all creators, you just have to try! And of course, we can learn! On the second university degree, I am a psychologist. Psychology helped me to understand myself. It seems to me that it helped me to look and see, to listen and hear, to follow my own feelings! After all, psychology and art are a dialogue of understanding. My new story has just begun! All that was before remained in the past seasons of this beautiful series "Such a wonderful life".

 I've always been creative. At some point, I realized that I just can't be doing without it… This is the case when you do your own thing, not even because you want to, but simply because you can't not be doing it. And in every picture – a piece of me, my love for life, my inner colours, shades and halftones. I make them in the language of the soul, I make them with my hands, I feel their smells in me, I think about them, even when I sleep, I feel their taste on my lips! This is happiness! And I want to share this happiness with you! All my works are full of energy that you will definitely feel, full of a smile that (I know for sure) will appear on your lips! I created a series of works in 2021 "BURDEN" (GOLDEN ... DAZZLING... BLINDING... SUNNY...), which is united by its own characters. All of them are successful, they have left their mark in art, in hearts, in time. I wanted to show you that you can't do something really big without paying for it! And under the external gilding, there are often many more different colours and shades.

 All my works are multi-layered and multi-valued. They are filled with meanings that are not always noticeable at first sight. Put the picture at a different angle to the light, let the sun illuminate it differently, and you will see what was invisible! This can be an inscription on the edge of the canvas or material and technique that gives a link to something important. I like to use the Mixed Media technique in my work because, for me, it means having the freedom to use different materials and combine sometimes incongruous ones. I made all my paintings with love and sympathy for my characters, with the desire to understand them and feel them… I hope it worked out, and then you will also spend time remembering and thinking about them.


I appreciate your attention, thanks!

See more from Natali Shepeleva

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Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 15.8x15.8 in
Acrylic on MDF Board | 15.8x31.5 in
Acrylic on MDF Board | 19.7x11.8 in
Acrylic on Cardboard | 15.8x15.8 in


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