Unconditional love 2017 (2017) Painting by Nastya Prairie

Oil on Plastic, 11.8x11.8 in
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Seller Nastya Prairie

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Plastic
  • Dimensions Height 11.8in, Width 11.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Figurative Animal
«Unconditional Love» is an oil painting written on vinyl. In it I wanted to show the symbol of unconditional love, so that the viewer plunged into a sense of kindness and unity of two hearts. Their trunks are lovingly intertwined. Elephants, painted in shades of tender purple and delicate pink, radiate serene and compassionate energy.[...]
«Unconditional Love» is an oil painting written on vinyl. In it I wanted to show the symbol of unconditional love, so that the viewer plunged into a sense of kindness and unity of two hearts.

Their trunks are lovingly intertwined. Elephants, painted in shades of tender purple and delicate pink, radiate serene and compassionate energy. Their eyes, filled with depth and wisdom, reflect a deep sense of empathy and understanding.

I love elephants very much. They are wise, kind, beautiful giants.
Elephants represent wisdom, strength and discretion, as well as loyalty, peace, longevity, prosperity, happiness. The painting glorifies pure and unbreakable love, transcending all limits

In the back of the picture I drew a geometric pattern «Flower of Life», which reflects the idea of harmony and order in nature. The flower of life consists of many intersecting circles symbolizing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. It reflects the concept of the unity of life, the continuous process of creation and renewal, the eternal cycles of life.

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Nastya Prairie is a contemporary artist from Russia. Here works are in London, Berlin, Kyrgyzstan, Russia.The artist paint comission arts. The artist studied the academic art of painting and drawing[...]

Nastya Prairie is a contemporary artist from Russia. Here works are in London, Berlin, Kyrgyzstan, Russia.The artist paint comission arts.

The artist studied the academic art of painting and drawing with a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts named Repin in St. Petersburg. 1 year.

Her training never ends. She constantly takes courses, improves her skills. Learn from different talented teachers from Russia, Europe, America.

Nastya Prairie is a full-time artist. Oil painting is the true passion that she revealed in herself.

Participation and victory in the exhibition-competition St. Petersburg Art Week 2022. 1st place in the nomination "Folk motifs" with a painting by Frida Kahlo. 2nd place in the nomination "Esotericism" with the painting "The Dark side of the Moon". The painting is sold.

Frida Kahlo's painting participated in the exhibition "Talents of Russia" and was fun in the building of the New Tretyakov Gallery.

In her early works, she was looking for her theme in the art world. Now the main theme of Nastya Prairie's creativity is people. It shows their inner world, thoughts, emotions, experiences through their eyes, which the artist is particularly good at according to the reviews of the audience.

According to her first education, she is an ethnographer. And she is endlessly inspired by people.

In addition, one of the most important sources of inspiration for the artist is traveling, meeting, meeting new people of all cultures.

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