Pisces (2011) Drawing by Nanae Miller

Drawing, 11.4x16.5 in
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  • Original Artwork Drawing, Other
  • Dimensions Height 11.4in, Width 16.5in
  • Categories Drawings under $500
This is my interpretation of zodiac sign Pisces's image in spiritual theme. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Other Other[...]
This is my interpretation of zodiac sign Pisces's image in spiritual theme.

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Zodiac Sign Pisces Image As A Mermaid.

Thank you for viewing my art work. My name is Nanae Miller, I'm originally from Japan and have lived in U.K. for the last 25 years with my English husband and two sons. I have loved art ever since[...]

Thank you for viewing my art work.

My name is Nanae Miller, I'm originally from Japan and have lived in U.K. for the last 25 years with my English husband and two sons.

I have loved art ever since I’ve learned to hold a crayon and I was a happy girl as long as I had a pencil and paper supplied.

Now I'm grown up and use not only pencils but water-colour, oil paint and pastels.

By adulthood, I was mainly using oil but as my kids grew up I realised that my youngest, he is special needs, didn’t quite understand he shouldn’t touch wet paint!

I had to shift my art material to a bit of a dryer one, hence started to re-discover the joys of water-colour pencil based drawing.

As I was receiving more interest on spiritual themed drawings rather than traditional landscape oil paintings or cute animal water-colours I decided to give it a go.

Here is the selection of my angel theme drawings all done by water-colour pencils.

What I'm trying to express and achieve here is the impression of a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-gender presence which is not dominantly masculine or too feminine but embraces both qualities.

I hope you enjoy viewing and would very much appreciate if you could leave some feedback if you have time.

Should you be interested in more of my work, please visit my website to see more work on display at .

Thank you again for taking your time to view my expression.

Kind regards,

Nanae Miller

See more from Nanae Miller

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Drawing | 11.4x16.5 in
On Request
Drawing | 15.8x23.6 in
Drawing | 17.7x11.8 in


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