Plexi Card Picsou (2024) Sculpture by N Nathan

Sculpture - Digital Painting, 4.7x6.5 in
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Seller N Nathan
Customer's reviews (11)
Shipping from: France (Box or cardboard packaging) Ships within 1 week
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Limited Edition Number of copies : 150. Sculpture, Digital Painting on Aluminium
  • Number of copies available 1
  • Dimensions Height 4.7in, Width 6.5in / 1.00 kg
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Fit for outdoor? No, This artwork can not be displayed outdoor
  • Categories Sculptures under $500
Carte Amex en aluminium Encastré dans un bloc de pléxi de 2,5 cm d'épaisseur Edition Limitée à 150 exemplaires Vendu dans son coffret About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles
Carte Amex en aluminium
Encastré dans un bloc de pléxi de 2,5 cm d'épaisseur
Edition Limitée à 150 exemplaires
Vendu dans son coffret

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Automatically translated
N.Nathan is a contemporary French artist. He had atypical artistic career, he started out in the fashion world in the United States, a country which had a great influence on him.[...]

N.Nathan is a contemporary French artist. He had atypical artistic career, he started out in the fashion world in the United States, a country which had a great influence on him. N.Nathan’s style is inspired by the world of street art and pop art. One of his most notable works is the man with the helmet "IRO", sculpture in fiberglass and a character created by N.Nathan.

What sets N.Nathan apart is his unorthodox approach to art. Instead of adhering to traditional norms, he chose to follow his instincts, experimenting with a wide array of techniques and materials. He uses multiple techniques and materials in his creations such as: acrylic, aerosol, resin, fiberglass, foundry and digital art. This fearless exploration allowed him to refine his craft and cultivate a truly unique artistic voice.

One of the hallmarks of N.Nathan's work is his brilliant use of color. Armed with a vibrant palette and an imagination that knows no bounds, he embarked on a mission to redefine the very essence of urban art. He pioneered a technique that involved painting directly onto posters collected from the streets, turning ordinary advertising materials into extraordinary masterpieces. Through the use of spray paint, stencils, and a medley of other mediums, he forged captivating compositions that became a testament to the pulse of pop culture itself.

Yet, N.Nathan's artistic prowess extends far beyond the confines of two-dimensional work. His creations in relief and his meticulous attention to detail have garnered acclaim from all corners of the art world. One shining example of his ingenuity is the sculpture "Amazing Chips." In a bold nod to consumer society and the symbols of pop culture, he fashioned this sculpture in the shape of a packet of chips. "Amazing Chips" encapsulates the essence of N.Nathan's unique vision, seamlessly blending pop culture and street art into a harmonious whole.

N.Nathan's rise to prominence was swift and electrifying. His work quickly captured the imagination of both the public and collectors alike. Galleries and exhibitions in France and across the globe have proudly showcased his creations, solidifying his place as a true visionary in the world of contemporary art.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from N Nathan

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