Rainy Sunday (2019) Pittura da Monika H. Csanyi


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Venditore Monika H. Csanyi

  • Opera d'arte originale (One Of A Kind) Pittura, Olio su Legno
  • Dimensioni Altezza 20in, Larghezza 16in
  • Incorniciatura Questa opera d'arte non è incorniciata
  • Categorie Arte concettuale
Sometimes it feels so good to just stare through the window and watch the rainy street. Wonderful cityscape - with a twist. This painting won a Special Recognition award on the 9th Annual Open 2019 Art Exhibition of Light Space & Time Gallery. This international online art competition was held in August 2019. Overall, 782 entries[...]
Sometimes it feels so good to just stare through the window and watch the rainy street.
Wonderful cityscape - with a twist.

This painting won a Special Recognition award on the 9th Annual Open 2019 Art Exhibition of Light Space & Time Gallery. This international online art competition was held in August 2019. Overall, 782 entries were judged for this art competition.

This painting got a Special Merit Award at the 10th Annual “CityScapes” International Online Juried Art Competition by Light Space Time Gallery in February 2020. The gallery received 522 entries from 22 different countries from around the world.

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Hi, my name is Monika Harmund Csanyi. I‘m an award-winning contemporary oil painter. Creating art has been a part of my life since I first held a pencil in my hand, and I love sharing my colorful world with[...]

Hi, my name is Monika Harmund Csanyi. I‘m an award-winning contemporary oil painter. Creating art has been a part of my life since I first held a pencil in my hand, and I love sharing my colorful world with others. I was always an artist, I just didn't know how to live like one. Not a long time ago I was directing most of my energies elsewhere. Now being an artist is what I am truly about. 

As an oil painter, I find inspiration in fragments of nature and manmade world. I love to see things from a different perspective, which perspective is also a part of our reality. My main goal is to open the eyes of the viewer and help others to realize how beautiful and colorful our life is. I would like to build bridges between the fantastic world around us and the people who appreciate the tiny, but precious and timeless moments.

My work is representational - sometimes with a little twist of impressionistic or abstract elements. I tend to paint series in regard to the exploration of a particular theme or image. My oil paintings can be recognized from strong, intense colors and meticulously elaborated subjects. Currently my biggest passion is water, especially rain, and I’m working on a series using this element.

I live in Central-Florida, in a quiet suburban area near to the Wekiva State Park, so I enjoy the rain every day from May until October. This really influences my work, such as my European origin.

I was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary – surrounded by rich culture, amazing architecture and treasures of nature, so my memories and experiences constantly inspire me.

I am an associate member of Oil Painters of America (OPA), National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society (NOAPS), American Women Artists (AWA) and the Winter Garden Art Association.

Vedere più a proposito di Monika H. Csanyi

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Olio su Legno | 16x20 in
579,2 USD
Olio su Legno | 20x16 in
579,2 USD
Olio su Legno | 12x24 in
572,58 USD
Olio su Tela di lino | 18x14 in


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