Mk Long Profile Picture

Mk Long

Byron Center, Michigan, United States
Artist (Painting)
Born 1971
My hope is to design artwork to catch your attention; that people truly enjoy - not just the first time they see it, but every time they walk by.

Mixed media artist MK Long delivers creativity by combining the colors in paint, the relief of sculpture, and the presentation of a canvas. Her focus is on texture, and her layering of such creates high and low relief pieces with a 3D effect so detailed that you must reach out and touch to fully appreciate. Having grown up in a large family in rural West Michigan, MK learned to be resourceful and has been creating things nearly her entire life. As an artist, she prefers using recycled items, such as packaging materials, spent flower cuttings, and other treasures. She builds her works by hand and brings them to life with acrylics and texture. MK is inspired by the mysterious shapes and colors of Gothic architecture, the symmetry of rose windows, and the changing form of deciduous trees. When asked what her goals are, MK says "My hope is to design artwork to catch your attention; that people truly enjoy - not just the first time they see it, but every time they walk by."

Discover contemporary artworks by Mk Long, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2022 (Country of origin United States). Buy Mk Long's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Mk Long. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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1 artwork by Mk Long (Selection)

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Textured Abstract Paintings • 1 artwork

Highly textured paintings with raised elements.
Painting titled "Disconnected" by Mk Long, Original Artwork, Acrylic Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Disconnected - Painting, 40x30 in ©2023 by Mk Long - Abstract, abstract-570, Graffiti, abstract painting, textured painting, abstract art, charcoal painting, gray painting, neutral painting, abstract artist, sculpture, neutral art, swirl art, swirl painting, graffiti painting

Acrylic on Canvas | 40x30 in

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